
And maybe even a couple pigeons!!
I'd love a pullet but I have a feeling that's an impossible dream since they seem difficult to obtain. If we could find two chicks, both female, that would work too, although they'd have to transition in with our six almost-year old girls eventually.
What I meant was what kind of marans are you looking for? Black,Copper,Cuckoo,Golden,Wheaton, and the list goes on. I don`t know where in CT you are, but there is a women who has BlackCopper Marans in Dayville CT.Let me know if you are interested and I will PM you the info.There are a few threads on BYC that go by type of marans. That may give you more options.
I was looking for Black Cuckoo Marans, actually, but I'd be willing to consider other Marans as long as their eggs were the dark color. Thank you so much for your help!
Hey I'm sooo glad there are so many chicken people here in ct! I have found ct threads before but they were all old. Hey does anyone in northeast ct- or even farther away- breed welsummers, dominiques, wyandottes, R.I. Reds or Whites, or another cold-hardy, dual purpose breed? I don't have any chickens right now but i would like to buy from someone local.
Hi Everyone!!!

I've been out of touch for awhile getting healthy!! WoohOO I'm doing much better and actually went outside today and saw how big all my birds are getting!! I look forward to doing some hatching soon. I have my white old reliable silkie hen setting on cochin and araucana eggs. Hoping for some tufted rumpless pullets

How's everyone holding up this past winter? Any casualties to the weather conditions? I lost a few to a neighbors dogs recently and also a chicken hawk did some damage my DH said a month ago. I'm down to 78 chickens but, I'm thinking after this spring I'll be up over 100 again.

Glad to see some new names up on here!!

The Maran's lady. I breed silver cuckoo and golden cuckoo marans. I haven't started yet b/c I am waiting for my 8 month old pullets to start laying and then I'm going to put the golden over the French and English Silver cuckoo's. They should produce some really nice dark colored eggs.

Have a great weekend all!!
Mine too. My beautiful buff bantam cochin looks like she is wearing old muddy slippers. I may have lo learn how to give the girls baths when we get past this.

Aww just the sight of the muddy furry feet made me almost cry!! My silkie's and bantie cochins are sooo sooo dirty!! I can't wait for a nice day to soak them in a nice warm soapy bath and give them a pedicure!

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