
And that is what started me on my journey to being a chicken owner, the tour of your set up. My chicks are hatching on Monday April 23, and I hope to have them by Wednesday 25th. I ordered them from .
I have waited for so long to get them and now the time is so close. The coop and run are done, the brooder is ready and waiting, and I finally got my Ecoglow20 after waiting 5 weeks ( they were on back order).
I am still trying to get the pictures of the coop on here, since they changed the way it is done, I am having problems. Perhaps I can get my husband to figure it out.


I'm so glad it's almost here for you. Congrats!
Here are some pictures, we have since added a run and stained the inside of the coop, put vinyl flooring down.
I will add pictures of the run as soon as I take pictures.

Hello. I am new to keeping backyard chickens and I am looking for Easter Egger/Ameraucana Pullets...probably three.

I am in Connecticut, but fairly close to the NY border. Could someone let me know if they have them for sale or would know of a good source? Thank you so much!

Hello. I am new to keeping backyard chickens and I am looking for Easter Egger/Ameraucana Pullets...probably three.

I am in Connecticut, but fairly close to the NY border. Could someone let me know if they have them for sale or would know of a good source? Thank you so much!


Beth G is a good bet. Where are you. I'm in Ridgefield.
Hey, any one have advice on lawn weed & feed type stuff and chickens? We need to feed the lawn and kill some weeds, and the organic stuff can be pricey...while I am trying to keep the girls in their area until my perennials get a head start, they do escape to the lawn sometimes. And I don;t want to poison them!
Hello all fellow CT chicken lovers,
We are considering placing a late season order with Ideal Poultry (whenever their availability increases... May/June). We'd like to place an order for 25 females, but we actually only want five or six. So, I'm looking for others who might want to get in on this order. Some of the birds on our list of choices are: la fleche, ameraucana, feather legged cuckoo marans, wyandottes (silver laced or partridge), any of the leghorns, brabanter. Send me a message if you have any interest in getting in on this order. Thanks!
Hey, any one have advice on lawn weed & feed type stuff and chickens? We need to feed the lawn and kill some weeds, and the organic stuff can be pricey...while I am trying to keep the girls in their area until my perennials get a head start, they do escape to the lawn sometimes. And I don;t want to poison them!

anything you get now will be a problem. There are some pre-emergents made from corn gluton that aren't bad, but it's too late for that this season. It's time to pull them!

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