Considering mini dairy goats... Mini-mancha vs. Mini-Nubian?

we own both mini manchas and miini nubians and the mini nubians are vary vary loud and energetic but i do love them vary much! the mini manchas are alittle calmer and less loud and vary sweet i really love the mini manchas!
I have mini manchas and they are so loud I have been close to tears from lack of sleep. I sold one already I just could not take it. I finally bought a full grown lamancha (their mother) and we will see what happens tomorrow morning.

I have a Pig. Nig. Dwarf that I want to milk as she is full with a 8 week old as well.  The problem is,  I have never done this and do I say this....Ummmm..are so small, I would be lucky to get one finger and a thumb on it.  I would think 5 hours later I might have a cup to soak my sore fingers in...  I would go with the  bigger goats with know....[\quote]

Don't assume a small teat means little milk. If it's hand milking you plan on doing, it may make only a small bit if difference. Sounds like she will get the hang of it before you do, to be honest. Milk isn't stored in that little teat after all, and she may end up letting down quite an amount each milking. Don't approach the milking process with negativity. work with her n get her used to having you handling her udder. She may surprise you.
Great info! I, too, am just getting started in goats, and have a chance to buy a mini lamancha in milk to add to the nigerians I am getting seems like those who have them won't part with them...think I might go for it! (IF I can convince my hubby that the price is worth it)
I know this post is pretty old, but it was the first result when I typed in "Mini Lamancha" in the Google search - so I thought I'd add my two cents!

I've had Nigerians, Mini Lamanchas, AND Mini Nubians - at different times. My Nigerians have always been incredibly docile and only get a little vocal at feeding time. When they're loose in the yard they are friendly but not obnoxiously so.

Now the Mini Manchas and Nubians.. I had never had a full sized Lamancha, but my Mini Lamancha had some incredibly naughty behaviors. I'm talking like taking running leaps at 6' fencing and leaping over the top. She was also quite annoying and constantly underfoot. My Mini Nubian wasn't quite as "crazy", but the two of them together made quite the chorus. They were LOUD. Still... I LOVE the little ears. I have Nigerians at the moment and wouldn't mind adding a Mini Mancha again.
. I just recently got this mini lamancha which I live to death..he is pretty active and does call for me and scream when I get out of his site but if I don't show myself it's not long he quiets down.he is still on bottle tho.
That looks more like a Nubian. Lamanchas have teeny little ears and Nubians have the long, droopy ears. He's cute though!
thank you..I know he's half Nigerian dwarf but she had three bottle baby's and got kinda confused I think which was which.. Lol...she said he was a accident cause Nigerian got in with another breed which must be nubian
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