Consolidated Kansas

I have never seen a rattle snake here in Wichita. And hope I never do. My husband is from Africa and there are many poisonous snakes there. Well, this fall when it was starting to cool off, a garter snake snuck under the threshold of our front door. And we wondered why they cat and dogs were making a fuss.. Poor little guy was cornered. My husband was looking for the broom to kill it while I just picked it up. He about peed his pants when he saw it in my hand. He thought it was gunna kill me. It was maybe 6 inches long!! I laughed so hard. Well I took him outside and put him where he belonged. In the garden. Then a week later another one came in the house. I think those will be my snake problem. I can handle garter snakes all day. But I won't go picking up any big snakes, harmless or not. But I'm not cruel and kill it neither. Unless one of them rattle snakes decide to move to Wichita.

Ok so u know the lovely weather we are having. I've never grew tomatoes before. And I know if they frost u can lose them. So what do u guys cover them with? I put a 5 gal paint bucket over them. I hope it works. I prob should go put some heavy rocks on top cuz of the terrible wind

I've only lived in Wichita for 20+ years and have not once seen a rattler. But I've seen plenty of bull and garter snakes in Wichita. Snake is definitely not my thing and I still remember the first time I saw a bull snake, it was under an outside faucet and as I turned the water on to get a bucket of water, it slithered away. I freaked and screamed then ran back to the deck so fast that I swear I was the fastest running and screaming woman in the world!
Now that we are living on 10 acres of land and plenty of mice plus farmland just north of us, I expect to see snakes. Not something I want to see but I do expect it. Like I said before, I just don't do snakes. It gives me the heebee jeebees....

As for tomatoes, if they are properly hardened off (if you start from seeds), then you can put a sheet over them to help keep the frost off of them. If they are not hardened off, it is best to take them inside the house because the cold alone (not just frost) will kill them. I had tons of heirloom tomato seedlings until last Thursday when my fried brain left them outside to get wind burn. I think I lost at least a handful of them with broken branches and the rest are slowly recovering from the wind burn but still sorry looking. If you are looking for some heirloom tomatoes and I'm sure if mine recovers, I'll have plenty to share. So PM me if you would like some.
I guess I could set a few eggs. I haven't noticed the cayuga eggs that I can identify. Some of the cayuga eggs are green so they are really easy to tell but I haven't noticed any. Like I said I can give you eggs if you can hatch them, or maybe when this cold breaks I can set a few. Let me know. I don't have much room but I can set maybe 4-5 so you could get a couple ducklings.
Originally Posted by okjenyp
The flint hills are full of rattlesnakes and we have a huge amount of them right around here even though we are on the far edge. We have the Massasauga rattlesnakes around here that are a smaller rattler but they are extremely venomous and the babies are particularly dangerous. They can't control the venum the inject so they can easily deliver a deadly amount in a bite. this area has a huge amount of limestone and these things love laying on the rocks to sun themselves,especially near water sources.
okjenyp, your chances of seeing snakes might increase if chicken feed draws in mice. And the black snakes and bull snakes will eat eggs so keep your eyes open.
Most people cover tomatoes with things like upside down milk cartons or something. It may however get too cold for them even with protection. If possible get out there and take the cover off when it gets around 40 degrees or so.They need the light to survive. Just be sure to cover them back up.
I sure hope the cold doesn't ruin my radish or my garlic. That is all I have out there. I am more concerned about my grape vines and the fruit trees right now than anything. I was really counting on having some this summer.
We have snow on the ground and instead of it dissipating it just keeps snowing harder. I've got to take off after bit and I hate the idea of driving in the snow. One more dentist appointment. At least it will be a good night for soup!!

I forgot about my 1 lone garlic that was sending up the scapes. I hope it does OK because I saw a light blanket of snow outside this morning when I left the house to work. I'm hoping what's left of my red potatoes will survive the frost because it is underground but not holding my breath... Atwoods gave away their leftover seed potatoes when DH was at the store on Saturday. So he got a handful of them to replace the dead ones (might as well say all our seed potatoes are dead... sigh). They are still in a plastic bag some where, probably still in the car so once this crazy frosty weather is gone, I'll plant them outside... AGAIN! This is the 3rd time we started potatoes... I thought it is easy to plant potatoes?!?! Have no idea what I did wrong. Argh...

All these talks about snakes just gives me the heebee jeebees.... I really don't like snakes at all. ::shudder::
From what I understand, there are rattlesnakes all over KS. However, growing up in Central KS, we NEVER saw a rattlesnake. We had black snakes, bull snakes, garter snakes, and others, but I never knew what a rattlesnake looked like 'till I moved out here (NW KS). It just so happens that we live in a place that is close to a sand pit, and we tend to have a higher concentration of rattlesnakes here than in any other part of the county from what I've been told. That's why I'm so concerned about snakes. Bull snakes don't bother me. Neither do the Blue Racers. It is the poisonous snakes (i.e. rattlers) that bother me.

Lizzy... be careful when the snakes are out with Ethan!!! You are one brave woman to be dealing with snakes. My legs turn into rubber when I see snakes. With this crazy weather this year, will it make the rattlers be more aggressive once it warms up? I sure hope not....
I hope you can get your garden going. I get so much enjoyment out of mine, plus all the food. We have definitely noticed how much the cost of groceries has gone up over the last 3-4 years.

The wind is driving me crazy, too. I can sleep through all kinds of noise, but wind keeps me awake. It also blows all the pollen around and DH and I have more allergy problems when it's windy.

I hope you're not too stressed at work. I sure would be!

There's no such thing as small progress, right? It's all progress, and that's all good.

We got a bit more planted today -- carrots, fennel, wax beans, and kale. I found a small envelope of broccoli rabe at Wal-Mart, so we planted that. I'm curious to see how it is. I also found some kind of beet that looks more purpley and is supposed to be better for pickling. I'll let you know if it really is. Most of the leeks are looking good, the shallots are all sprouting, and the peas are looking good. Only two or three potatoes have sprouted so far, and the beets are just starting to come up. Just in time for a possible "wintry mix" this next week.
I hope it doesn't happen.

The wind... THE WIND!!! I can't sleep and it also kept my husband up... it was miserable! I never noticed the wind that bad until we moved out to farm. I guess without having all the houses nearby to help block the wind, we can really hear it howling...

My seedlings are recovering slowly. With this crazy weather and me working crazy hours, it makes it difficult to harden off the seedlings but I'll definitely try to get it done by end of April so I can plant them out by then.
All of this talk of snakes gives me the shivers, I really don't like snakes much. We have quite a few where we live due to the limestone ridge we live on here in the Flint Hills. I know we have rattle snakes in the area, but fortunately I have not encountered one & hope I don't. The snakes do like to sun on the big rocks in the daytime when it's warmer. Due to that I don't go up on the hill behind our house when they come out of hibernation. There are too many hiding places when the grass starts to grow inbetween the rocks on the side of the hill & on the top it's just solid rock with smaller ones scattered around. It's kind of a snake haven up there. We have them down on the front 5 too because it's overgrown down there & there are lots of mice to eat. Needless to say you just have to watch where you're walking around here. I keep all the area closer to the house mowed so there usually aren't but small non-poisonous snakes like ring necks & garters up here & an occasional rat snake who wanders up. Those are the ones that I don't like to see because they get so big. I used to before we put vinyl siding on the outside of the house have a planter on the wall by the door that I grew flowers in & one day I got the hose to water with & draped over that thing was about a 6 foot long rat snake. Boy did I scream & spray it with water, it startled me so bad just hanging there, but it took off fast. The little ring snakes don't have much of a chance here if they come out of the rocks because the cats eat them.

Man I hate this weather, it's 35 out there right now & my DH said there was snow on the ground when he got up. Fortunately it didn't stay since it's been really warm & the ground probably is too warm still to let it stick. I'm hoping it warms up some at least before I have to go out & do chores this afternoon.
I forgot about my 1 lone garlic that was sending up the scapes. I hope it does OK because I saw a light blanket of snow outside this morning when I left the house to work. I'm hoping what's left of my red potatoes will survive the frost because it is underground but not holding my breath... Atwoods gave away their leftover seed potatoes when DH was at the store on Saturday. So he got a handful of them to replace the dead ones (might as well say all our seed potatoes are dead... sigh). They are still in a plastic bag some where, probably still in the car so once this crazy frosty weather is gone, I'll plant them outside... AGAIN! This is the 3rd time we started potatoes... I thought it is easy to plant potatoes?!?! Have no idea what I did wrong. Argh...

All these talks about snakes just gives me the heebee jeebees.... I really don't like snakes at all. ::shudder::
I dislike snakes as well, but I happen to live in an area where I have to be very careful because of them.

All this talk about gardens is making me jealous! I haven't even started a garden yet because it is still too early out here... I won't get to even think about planting until early to mid May. However, I do have strawberry plants in the house. I ordered 50 of them from a mail order nursery, and they sent them to me a couple weeks ago. 50 plants in pots/boxes in the house... That's a lot of work, and we've lost several of them. Hopefully, they'll survive until it is warm enough to plant them outside!

Lizzy... be careful when the snakes are out with Ethan!!! You are one brave woman to be dealing with snakes. My legs turn into rubber when I see snakes. With this crazy weather this year, will it make the rattlers be more aggressive once it warms up? I sure hope not....
I sure hope the snakes aren't out with Ethan! (Sorry, couldn't resist). I don't know that brave is the right word for me... My legs turn to rubber when I happen upon a rattlesnake too (and sometimes when I happen upon a bull snake and mistake it for a rattler). A couple summers ago, I about stepped on a rattlesnake. I had a gun with me (single shot unfortunately) and took a shot at it.... and missed. My DH was nearby and cautiously came running when he heard the shot. He had to take care of the snake for me because I was shaking too badly to do anything more... I had to bend over and lean on my knees to keep from collapsing, and my hands were shaking way too much to have any chance at reloading the gun. Thankfully, it was kinda cool for snakes that day, so the snake didn't move after I shot at it. However, the cool temps are probably also why it didn't rattle to alert me of its presence. When the temps are warm enough for snakes, I usually carry a weapon (usually either a hoe, a long-handled shovel, or a pistol) of some sorts with me, especially if I leave the yard. We see Blue Racer snakes and bull snakes fairly regularly around here as well. The blue racers are kinda neat to see, but it is kinda creepy how FAST they can move (they are fast like a rabbit). Thankfully, they are harmless, unless you are an insect or very small rodent. The bull snakes are freaky to see only because they look so much like rattlesnakes. I usually leave the bull snakes and the blue racers alone, unless they are bothering/threatening the birds. Even then, they usually get a second chance...
Is anyone within an hour of Wichita have any chicks for sale that are frizzles?? I think they look so pretty and would like to add a couple to my flock but don't want to order from hatchery etc.
It was nice to wake up to rain on the roof this morning - that is after I quit freaking out about what that strange noise was
(I do have to say that the baby was crying so I couldn't hear it real well over him). Of course, I had to laugh at myself when I realized what it was making that noise!

THAT"s funny!

Ok so u know the lovely weather we are having. I've never grew tomatoes before. And I know if they frost u can lose them. So what do u guys cover them with? I put a 5 gal paint bucket over them. I hope it works. I prob should go put some heavy rocks on top cuz of the terrible wind

Mine are still inside in their little peat pots. A bucket should be good for the ones that are outside in the ground. Last year, we had a straw bale we put over the stuff in the garden when frost was in the forecast. This year, the leeks and radishes are going to have to fend for themselves.

The wind... THE WIND!!! I can't sleep and it also kept my husband up... it was miserable! I never noticed the wind that bad until we moved out to farm. I guess without having all the houses nearby to help block the wind, we can really hear it howling...

DH was just saying the other day that he thinks this is the windiest year we've had in a long time. We do have a lot of wind in Kansas, but I think he might be right -- this year it's just relentless.
I guess I'm the weird one here. I don't like snakes and don't want them around but I'm not particularly freaked out by them either. I guess the first time I get bit I'll feel different. HEChicken of course has her pet snakes so I'm sure she isn't at all afraid of them either.
Wow it's finally above freezing! We had quite a bit of snow yesterday but when I got 10 miles north of here it was all gone. There wasn't any in Emporia. I was gone most of the day yesterday. I did some shopping after my dentist appointment. A rare event for me. I just took my time and didn't find what I was looking for really.
I still have chicks hatching. They sure seem to be slow this time.
I have chicks shipped that should be here in the morning I purchased too. I've got to figure out what I do have and sell some of the extras that aren't spoken for. It seems a shame since I have so many chicks that I still can't fill some orders.
One day of not being out there working all day and I can barely move today. My back is killing me. I hope the temperature starts raising soon so I can get some work done.
Hello fellow Kansas peeps
I live in Southeast Kansas, in the Parsons area. I have 27 chickens ( adult and chicks) with eggs due to hatch later this week, 15 guineas, 9 ducklings and 3 poults.Just though I stop by and say Hi.

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