Consolidated Kansas

Hello fellow Kansas peeps
I live in Southeast Kansas, in the Parsons area. I have 27 chickens ( adult and chicks) with eggs due to hatch later this week, 15 guineas, 9 ducklings and 3 poults.Just though I stop by and say Hi.

Welcome to the group, we have people here from all over KS. A big concentration of them are around the Wichita area but others are spread out in various directions. Feel free to stop in any time & chat, we talk about a lot of things here. Some just have chickens for a few eggs for their family & others of us hatch chicks on a regular basis to sell. So what kind of chicks are you hatching? Feel free to post pics of your birds too, we love seeing them.

Well I need to go get feed this morning for my birds & goats, so I need to get moving soon.
The eegs i am hatching now, are my own flock. Barred Rock rooster to barred rock hen et 2 easter egger hens. My egg from RIR ended up with a blood ring. I am about 2 hours from Wichita.
I guess I'm the weird one here. I don't like snakes and don't want them around but I'm not particularly freaked out by them either. I guess the first time I get bit I'll feel different. HEChicken of course has her pet snakes so I'm sure she isn't at all afraid of them either.
Wow it's finally above freezing! We had quite a bit of snow yesterday but when I got 10 miles north of here it was all gone. There wasn't any in Emporia. I was gone most of the day yesterday. I did some shopping after my dentist appointment. A rare event for me. I just took my time and didn't find what I was looking for really.
I still have chicks hatching. They sure seem to be slow this time.
I have chicks shipped that should be here in the morning I purchased too. I've got to figure out what I do have and sell some of the extras that aren't spoken for. It seems a shame since I have so many chicks that I still can't fill some orders.
One day of not being out there working all day and I can barely move today. My back is killing me. I hope the temperature starts raising soon so I can get some work done.
I've always been a bit nervous around snakes, but now the fact that we have SO MANY poisonous snakes around really makes me nervous, especially now that I have a little one to worry about. How do I keep a little boy from trying to catch creepy crawlies like snakes???

We are forecast to get up to 60*F today after several days of cold. We got one full day of precip and only got 0.23" out of it. Don't get me wrong, we'll take whatever we can get, but we could've used a lot more. We've had two years in a row where we ALMOST broke the record for driest year ever. Two years ago, we got a freak large snowstorm just days before the end of the year. Last year, we got a 4" rainfall event that gave us just enough rain to put us over so we didn't break the record. Strangely enough, even with 4" of rain in one day, we didn't really flood. THat tells you how DRY it has been out here. The good news is that we have had chances for rain pretty regularly in the forecast. Now, if we could only convince it to ACTUALLY rain, that'd be good. The one sad thing about actually getting rain is that I have to lock my birds up. They get so excited about seeing puddles that they run from one puddle to the next and end up a long ways from the yard before they ever realize they've left the yard. Silly birds!
OH, I almost forgot... I finally started getting duck eggs again today! I was really beginning to get concerned about my ducks... Right about the time that I stopped getting eggs, I found one egg in the water that was accumulating on the bottom of the upside-down kiddie pool. I set it beside the pool and forgot about it until the next day when I realized it was GONE, and I haven't found it since (almost a week later). I was beginning to think that I had an egg thief that was ONLY stealing eggs and not hurting the birds... I'm guessing that the birds moved the egg, and I just haven't found it yet... When it warms up enough to thaw the pool back out, I need to go empty it and refill it. Maybe I'll find it when I can move the pool. I'm guessing it got pushed behind the pool.

Either way, I'm glad my girls decided to stop striking. :)
I have a Cuckoo Marians hen that free ranges and has been laying in one of the turkey's nest. I have been removing her eggs and leaving the turkey eggs. She has went broody so I will let her hatch the turkey eggs. I think there is about six or seven eggs under her. The turkey will have to start a new clutch elsewhere, because I laid a barrier over her. She can get out but the turkey is too big to get in( I hope!).
I weighed my Cornish cross today. 7 weeks old and they all weigh 6 pounds except one. He weighs 8 pounds!! Fried chicken sounds real good now
It was cold this morning... I was beginning to think all the beautiful flowers from my prairie fire crap apple tree will just freeze and drop off. The 2 fruit bearing pear trees didn't bear much fruit last year so I was hoping this year will be different. But with the snow and cold, I'm not sure. The 2 pear trees were full of blooms over the weekend but I'm afraid the freeze just ruined all of it. Sigh...

It is one busy tax day since it is the filing deadline. We have processed about 1 million Individual returns yesterday and we predict to process at least 1.5 millions today. That's just Individual returns. We also have business returns to process and I don't have the numbers off the top of my head right now. Talking about busy getting returns transimitted to IRS...

Bridgebarger - Welcome! Hope you hang around and tell us about your coop and your birds. It is always exciting to see new people and hear about their stories.

Lizzy - LOL on my sentence about the snakes coming out with Ethan! Didn't realize it until I read your reply. I have a good belly laugh reading it over and over. I hope you guys get more rain this year. Over here in WIchita and surrounding areas, we are dry and sure could use the moisture as well.

Danz - You got more chicks coming in? I bet those are some unique breeds you have been wanting? How's your teeth? Hope you have completely recovered from the infection.

I'm with Trish here... we do not like snakes...

Cherwill - It was a quiet night last night... no wind for a change. My husband made a similar comment about this being the windiest year...

Well... Gotta go back to work now... it is busy... 5 more days and I'll have just the project to focus on and not worry about deadlines.

Have a good day everyone!
I started with chickens last spring my son brought home a few from school that they hatched out in science class. We have grown from there, unfotunately our orginal chickens and several others were killed by a dog last fall. Our coop was orginally a airplane shipping crate and my husband transformed into a awesome coop, there is a run but most od the tije they free range. The run has came in handy this spring with chicks that are older enough to out of the brooder. This is my first year with turkeys and ducks. And my first year incubating whcih the kids have loved.
Here is my coop






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