Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

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That is so hard to lose a sweet bird. I hate it. I've got 2 zebra finches and I love them. I think it's cool you have got such a variety of birds. Must be fun living with them and watching the different personalities. What kind of a goose is Leonardo? Do you think with these 2 that they will be bonded to you as adults or be aloof? The hard part about having some types of birds is they don't wanna be handled. It is torture. When I have to handle mine on occasion they get kissed. They hate being held so I keep it to a minimum. I knew their webbs made noises on the floor. And that she would have heard it. Is that funny, or what?

Leonardo, Lucy and Laverne are Chinese whites. I'm hoping these two are browns but they could be African since they look alike at this age. The little ones run up to me, will eat from my hand, and are okay with being held for a short time but prefer running free. I'm hoping they don't end up like the whites, I might keep them inside for awhile and hopefully that helps with keeping them tame.
You know, they weren't jumping in you out of meanness.
I love chickens. And btw they're very good layers, better than a lot of ducks...lol

You were little when you had them, I bet you'd like them a lot more now! They're so friendly and so much fun!
No, I remember her jumping on me and flapping her wings and kicking her legs. I had to push her off.If you compare the worst laying duck to the best laying chickens
How 'bout we compare a campbell to your best layer.
Yours might have been friendly. Ours were not. For some reason all of there backs were bare. They were always chasing each other down to pick out the feathers. Nasty. If I got some now I might like 'em, but not as much as my duckies. After all a chicken will never do this:
Leonardo, Lucy and Laverne are Chinese whites. I'm hoping these two are browns but they could be African since they look alike at this age. The little ones run up to me, will eat from my hand, and are okay with being held for a short time but prefer running free. I'm hoping they don't end up like the whites, I might keep them inside for awhile and hopefully that helps with keeping them tame.
I hope they are browns then. Fun to have a variety. I hope keeping them inside means they are tamer adults. I think that's a great idea. Don't want a big soft goose to be aloof. They need hugs.
I hope they are browns then. Fun to have a variety. I hope keeping them inside means they are tamer adults. I think that's a great idea. Don't want a big soft goose to be aloof. They need hugs.

These babies remind me of when my daughter was an infant. I would lean over the crib and she would start screaming because she knew I was about to kiss on her, these little ones run from me now. LOL
These babies remind me of when my daughter was an infant. I would lean over the crib and she would start screaming because she knew I was about to kiss on her, these little ones run from me now. LOL
Little stinkers. Tell them it's not your fault they are so cute.
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