Ended Contest #4 Short Story Fiction Contest - 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

Thank you- The story is inspired by true events- I was digging for a specific picture of Uncle Marc- it was on my wedding day and he's out laying in the grass because he didn't want to be inside the church!
I'll add it as a scan for sure-

I can shorten it- So I will edit my original post ASAP :)
Thank you- The story is inspired by true events- I was digging for a specific picture of Uncle Marc- it was on my wedding day and he's out laying in the grass because he didn't want to be inside the church!
I'll add it as a scan for sure-

I can shorten it- So I will edit my original post ASAP :)

Yaye!!!! I'm really glad! You really do have a talent for writing! It was a pleasure to read!
Thank you- The story is inspired by true events- I was digging for a specific picture of Uncle Marc- it was on my wedding day and he's out laying in the grass because he didn't want to be inside the church!
I'll add it as a scan for sure-

I can shorten it- So I will edit my original post ASAP :)

Thank you so much!

Goldilocks looked up with her usual sour face and glanced around to be sure no other hens would come and steal the big worm she had just uprooted. She snapped it up in her beak, before anyone else could see, and then continued scratching and pecking at the ground.
Her one and only friend, a young Black Australorp named Lorpie, called over to her, "Guess what I've found!" She chirped. Goldilocks looked up from the ground into her friends excited eyes, "Well? What is it?" Her curt reply didn't faze Lorpie at all, who always seemed to like Goldi, even on her worst days. Instead she smiled, as only chickens can, and tilted her head towards the forest next to the little red hen house. "Come see."
As the entered into the cool forest, Goldi glanced around grumpily, but followed Lorpie anyway. After a moment, Lorpie motioned with her head, and Goldi's eyes followed her movement.
There in front of her was a small bush with big branches covering a perfect nesting spot. There was only one entry, and Goldi ducked her small golden head, then stepped carefully in. The grass was soft, and the branches covered the nest from wind and weather.
Hours passed and Goldilocks worked without stopping. Her softest feathers went into the base of the nest, and small leaves to make it soft. Finally, she sat dutifully down on her nest. Yet she was old, and no eggs were under her.
Lorpie soon noticed the situation, and gathered the small flock of seven hens. They had gathered rather reluctantly when they heard what the meeting was to be about, for Goldilocks wasn't the nicest chicken, but on the contrary, one of the worst-tempered chickens in the flock.
Checkers, a more elderly speckled chicken brought out this point. "Why should we help her? All she does is eat the best food and walk around acting like the queen." The other hens nodded their heads wisely in agreement, and the meeting was adjourned. There would be no eggs for Goldilocks.
Lorpie sighed as she watched the hens go back to their pecking, and then made up her mind. The hens watched in amazement as Lorpie appeared in the hen house door, rolling her precious egg carefully towards the forest. Surely, they thought, this young hen has lost her mind.
As Lorpie neared the nest, Goldilocks looked up in surprise, "What is this?" She asked, softly, Lorpie only smiled, and pushed the egg down into the nest, where Goldilocks gathered it up under her wings.
The next morning, when Goldilocks awoke from sleeping on her new egg, another wonder met her eyes. There in front of lay seven eggs. Carefully she gathered them under her wings.
A few weeks later, on a bright and sunny blue-sky morning, Goldilocks stood up off her nest where eight new fluffy chicks lay. They followed her out of the nest, and into the flock, where Goldilocks had finally gained her family and friends.
(Goldilocks Nesting area)
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I hope I am not too late for this contest. Here is a short story I have been working on.

It was a dark night as he gazed across the vast expanse of sky. Even the stars seemed to shield themselves from view. There he stood watching and waiting. The days have been long and wet as of late and his mood had turned sour. He was worried about her. She had been sitting there refusing to move for weeks now, and he just didn’t understand why. It was as if overnight his beloved had turned on him. It is not as if he didn’t see it coming. Just that he hadn’t expected it to happen so soon.

This past winter had been an exceptionally cold and bleak time for the small flock. Many of last year’s younglings could not withstand the cold and perished before the weather warmed. It was heart breaking as each, in turn, slowly faded. They gave up the fight. It started innocently enough. Their energy would drain and they would sit for much of the day. Then they stopped eating and let go of life.

Now, his beloved seemed to be doing the same thing. This terrified him. He would bring her treats, trying to encourage her to move and be active. The last thing he wanted was for his beloved to fade away like the others. For all his efforts she would hiss and snap at him. Nothing could make her budge.

A heavy sigh escaped him as he shook his head in dismay. It would be a long night alone with his thoughts. At least the rain had stopped. Just then a single star appeared in the black sky. The clouds began to disperse and his hopes were lifted. Maybe the bright sun and warm weather would finally entice her to venture out.

There she sat, in her little corner, resting. She knew it would be a long time before she could truly rest again, once the night was over. It was beginning to happen and her focus needed to be on the task at hand. For the briefest of moments her thought drifted to him. He just didn’t understand. This was something she had to do. Everything inside her kept her pinned in this one spot. They depended on her vigilance and determination.

She knew he worried about her. The losses they experienced left both of them depleted and sad. This would change things, and she knew it. When this night was over happiness would fill both their hearts. If only she kept to this most important work, and not move.

A sudden movement jolted her back to her work. The first of five was finally out. It would take time for the youngster to dry and the other four were still working themselves through this lengthy process. She kept silent as the little one toddled about fluffing itself against her warm body. She admired the look of him. He had his father’s kind eyes. As she admired this first one, two more broke through with great force. They were strong and agile already, just like there mama had been.

Outside, the sun began to peak out over the horizon. The day was dawning bright and beautiful. He let forth his long and welcoming morning call. Yes, today was going to be a good day. From his perch he spotted his beloved's favorite treats. With the stealth of a dive bomber he hopped down and scooped them up. Yes, he would get his beloved outside today.

With determination in his heart he entered their little home and headed straight for her. Carefully he placed the treats before her and enticed her to get up and eat.

Something was different about today. She had a look in her eye and secret in her heart. Then a tiny little head popped out from under her wing, then another, and another. For a moment he was stunned. What had just happened? His beloved had three little creatures hidden beneath her.

So, that is what has kept her immovable for so long. Relief filled his heart and joy escaped his beak. Quickly, he climbed to highest place he could reach and proclaimed to the world. His crow echoing across the land, that he was a papa!

Content that he finally understood, she settled in a little further and sighed. After all, two more were still working their way into this world.

With a look of joy in her eyes, she gazed up at him whispered, “Happy Easter, my love.”
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I hope I am not too late for this contest. Here is a short story I have been working on.

It was a dark night as he gazed across the vast expanse of sky. Even the stars seemed to shield themselves from view. There he stood watching and waiting. The days have been long and wet as of late and his mood had turned sour. He was worried about her. She had been sitting there refusing to move for weeks now, and he just didn’t understand why. It was as if overnight his beloved had turned on him. It is not as if he didn’t see it coming. Just that he hadn’t expected it to happen so soon.

This past winter had been an exceptionally cold and bleak time for the small flock. Many of last year’s younglings could not withstand the cold and perished before the weather warmed. It was heart breaking as each, in turn, slowly faded. They gave up the fight. It started innocently enough. Their energy would drain and they would sit for much of the day. Then they stopped eating and let go of life.

Now, his beloved seemed to be doing the same thing. This terrified him. He would bring her treats, trying to encourage her to move and be active. The last thing he wanted was for his beloved to fade away like the others. For all his efforts she would hiss and snap at him. Nothing could make her budge.

A heavy sigh escaped him as he shook his head in dismay. It would be a long night alone with his thoughts. At least the rain had stopped. Just then a single star appeared in the black sky. The clouds began to disperse and his hopes were lifted. Maybe the bright sun and warm weather would finally entice her to venture out.

There she sat, in her little corner, resting. She knew it would be a long time before she could truly rest again, once the night was over. It was beginning to happen and her focus needed to be on the task at hand. For the briefest of moments her thought drifted to him. He just didn’t understand. This was something she had to do. Everything inside her kept her pinned in this one spot. They depended on her vigilance and determination.

She knew he worried about her. The losses they experienced left both of them depleted and sad. This would change things, and she knew it. When this night was over happiness would fill both their hearts. If only she kept to this most important work, and not move.

A sudden movement jolted her back to her work. The first of five was finally out. It would take time for the youngster to dry and the other four were still working themselves through this lengthy process. She kept silent as the little one toddled about fluffing itself against her warm body. She admired the look of him. He had his father’s kind eyes. As she admired this first one, two more broke through with great force. They were strong and agile already, just like there mama had been.

Outside, the sun began to peak out over the horizon. The day was dawning bright and beautiful. He let forth his long and welcoming morning call. Yes, today was going to be a good day. From his perch he spotted his beloved's favorite treats. With the stealth of a dive bomber he hopped down and scooped them up. Yes, he would get his beloved outside today.

With determination in his heart he entered their little home and headed straight for her. Carefully he placed the treats before her and enticed her to get up and eat.

Something was different about today. She had a look in her eye and secret in her heart. Then a tiny little head popped out from under her wing, then another, and another. For a moment he was stunned. What had just happened? His beloved had three little creatures hidden beneath her.

So, that is what has kept her immovable for so long. Relief filled his heart and joy escaped his beak. Quickly, he climbed to highest place he could reach and proclaimed to the world. His crow echoing across the land, that he was a papa!

Content that he finally understood, she settled in a little further and sighed. After all, two more were still working their way into this world.

With a look of joy in her eyes, she gazed up at him whispered, “Happy Easter, my love.”
Loved it!

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