Coop in Progress...3/4 finished, updated/pics added


Love My Chickens
14 Years
Jul 28, 2009
Floyds Knobs, Indiana
My Coop
My Coop
I'm celebrating because my coop is FINALLY taking shape. About a month ago I built some nesting boxes to initiate coop construction (I notice that a LOT of people on this site seem to initiate the process by getting I'm a little OCD...I want the coop BEFORE the chickens). I will just have to live vicariously through all the chicken people on this site for a little while more...
We now have trim added, a chicken door, and the run should be done by next week. I'm starting on the insulation on Tuesday. Chicks (from MPC) are expected the week of Sept. 14, so I figure they might get to use the coop by the end of October.





This is where my DH and I left off last weekend. This past week's goal was to get trim boards painted and up, get vents and chicken door framed, and to get most of my run panels ready...
As of today...trim boards are on! Chicken door is done (except for the pulley system). Vents in back wall are NOT in yet. Run panels are taking FOREVER...blisters on hands...I'm sick of nailing on wire!!!


I'm thrilled to have my chicken door! We're doing a pully system so that I can open/close it from outside.

This is the run from the back. We are working our way up to the front. It will be about 575 sq. feet.
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Nice looking coop! I especially like the porch concept. Wish I had a bigger version for a shed for my yard.

Can't wait to see the finished project.
No customers yet, discounting the barking, meowing I'm avoiding even LOOKING at hatcheries and other places...don't want the temptation until it's ready to go...

And thanks guys...this site is great for encouragement
As I'm sure you know, coop building isn't really the fun, relaxing part of chicken
Very nice.
I always build porches or large overhangs on the side that the chicken door is. In the wet months they all sit on their porch and decide if they want to venture out to the manure pile or stay under cover.
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BeccaOH...yes, the porch is for the chickens, that's were the chicken door will be, and it'll be part of the run. Like BlackBart said, that will give them a sheltered place from the rain. And we do get snow a few times a winter here, so the porch should stay fairly clear. I'll be getting 4 or 5 hens. I haven't decided whether to shoot for mid-late Sept. or wait till Feb. I think chick growth rate/weather wise, it would be wiser to wait till Feb. But I HATE to wait that long...
We'll see.

Thanks for everyones' well wishes!

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