Coop location

HI Everyone. Thanks for your replies! Based on your feedback, it seems as though closer is better, as long as the coop is well tended.

We plan on having 6-10 chickens (orps) in a 4x8 coop. Both sites have a mix of shade and sun, and are upwind. The more distant site is not only farther away, but also about 30 feet downslope of the house. I was prepared to keep everyone healthy no matter what it took, but the thought of carrying feed, water and supplies down there in the winter (or eggs back to the house) was not an appealing one. I had not even thought of the extension cord length, and that has sealed the deal for us.

Thanks for taking the time to share your experience, it is such a help!
You have made the right decision in my book. The advice about wind protection in the winter and shade availability in the summer
is really good. Going out in the winter cold is not really a factor where I live, but going out in the rain is.
I've got 5 Buff Orpingtons in a 4 x 7 coop with a 7 x 12 run. I would not put more than 8 chickens in this space. Remember 4 sq ft
per chicken in the coop and 10 sq ft per chicken in the run is what is recommended, and I believe that to be minimum.

This is us, it stinks! The coops are downhill about 30' and the first coop of three is around 250-300ft. from my front door. It s@cks so flipping bad!
No running water, no electricity, nothing but coops, runs, and fence. The old fashioned way. I hate it so bad.
I am in an urban environment so my primary concern is protection from two legged predators, perhaps I went a bit overboard with security....................................................


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