Ended Coop Page Contest #6 - Win a $50 BYC Store Gift Certificate!

Excited to show off our newly finished chicken tractor! We were inspired by so many of the designs we found on BYC and hope some of our ideas may inspire others.

Constructed almost entirely from salvaged, recycled and re-purposed materials this mobile coop is designed to fit our existing garden beds. My hope is that the chickens will lend their labor to the tilling, fertilizing and weeding of our large, year-round garden and orchard.


oup de Cadieux: Community Garden and Chicken Coop on the Hill

By: keeperofthecoop
Posted ten minutes ago • Last updated ten minutes ago • 9 views • 0 comments
Coup de Cadieux... This coop is based off Heather Bullard's Coop Design. We used her general plans, but repositioned the doors and doubled the coop so it was symmetrical. It now has two end roosting areas with a large run in the middle of the coop and one in the back. My husband added a solar powered door so the chickens can go in safely at night and out in the morning. The entire back run areas is covered in wire so no critters can get in. My husband, Kevin and our dear Neighbor Pete built the coop. It's just beautiful if I do say so myself.

This is Pete.

Kevin, Pete and that black shadow in the corner is our Bouvier des Flandres, Bodi.

We Love our Cupola! (Sharon, Kevin, Pete and Myself-Jill)

Easter Brunch at the coop. First day for the 5 week old chicks to go from their home in the garage to their new home in the garden.

Memorial Day at the coop. Pete built fences to go around the flower beds as the dogs kept plopping on them to get a better look at the chicks.

Celebrating the finishing of the coop.

i dont get it
To enter this contest, you have to build a "Coop Page" with a description of your coop and the process, along with pictures. Without the "Coop Page" you're not part of the contest. So ---- as Alaskan said,
At the top of every page are little tabs... Click on the one that says "coops" scroll down on that page, and then on the left will be a button for "start a new coop page" click on that and off you go!

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