Coop pics****

the coops are all great but i have a landscape question, i have a coop my husband built me and my chickens free roam and come in at night... ok question... they have denuded all the area around the coop and have started on my lawn and flower beds... now every thing is washing away... they have 12 acres to roam and play in why are they killing everything around there house and mine. what can i plant that will grow fast and stop this erosion from happening. Oh man please help me.. my husband wants to kill them all.!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you thought of planting chicken wire? LOL it is great for keeping them out of places. Mine do the same thing, they have all this green grass and they insist on digging out the mulch. I was going to make a little fence, only a foot high out of chicken wire, I just haven't done it yet.
thank you... i love these thing but my Gosh!!! they follow me every where n eat every thing even with feed in the coop. Some times i wonder if i should just say to heck with it n eat them all and get rid of the coop... but then i wake up to the crow of the rooster and fresh eggs and change my mind. lol
I love all your coops, I will post some pics of mine. There is no run but they will go out side a lot when I have the time.
Here's some photos of my coop and run, I didn't have any plans but just built it from photos on found on the internet. I also built it on my own, so it took me a few months to complete.
I'm happy to say my chickens have been home for a month now and seem to be enjoying their coop and run.
I'm enjoying giving them different veggies and turning the dirt in some of the grazing beds for the worms.

Yea its really cool, looks like they have a nice big run, and you are giving them veggies and everything, so they must be really really really happy!!!!

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