Coop pics****

What siding should I use for transforming dog kennel to coop
Well you have several choices not knowing your building expertise and not seeing the kennel I'm just guessing here.

The simplist way is to get a large tarp, hardware cloth, and a cattle panel or two. These things will depend on the size of the kennel. Now what you will do is arch your cattle panel as a roof of the dog kennel. And attach to the kennel but on the inside to control the downward thrust and not break your connection. to connect I would something like u bolts. Now take your hardware cloth and and attach it everywhere so that there are absolutely no gaps a weseal only needs 1" of space to get through. Now if you plan on a dirt floor dig about 1 foot down and attach your hardware cloth to the kennel extending down into the ground, then I would like with some rocks and cover with dirt. This will prevent those pesky diggers. Once your hardware cloth is done make sure your door faces south and cover with a tarp now depending how you do this you can make an open air coop or you will need to make specials vents going east and north. You want you coop dry chickens create a lot of moisture.

you can use wood or plywood panels but they must be stained, if you can use the treated wood. Picth your roof and and use that pitch for a long ventilation vent.

You can use those pastic roof panels as well I would have fun and buy the different colors and styles. but use the hardware cloth with that application as well.

Good luck I hope you can find a lot of ideas can't wait to see what you do.
Here's a pic of all of my coops. From left two right: left side of gray coop are the white silkies, right side of the coop are my 4 milles, 2 silkies and 1 Mille de fluer, small green coop has 3 silkies and 1 chicken I forgot the breed, finally I have my large coop for my large fowl, 8 chickens are in there. I have 4 chicks with their momma in my house and a Silkie that has a cross beak in my house. I have 30 chickens in total. Here's the pic;
Turned a old shed into a coop and found 4 feet welded fence in my backyard :) worry about foxes and wiesels


Still under construction, only spent 20 bucks inside and 80 for fence poles
Here is our coop for our 4 girls. the previous owners of our house had built this as a club house for their kids so we were very lucky to have it when we bought our house... and always thought we'd have chickens in it some day. so last spring we got some! this is still during the first few weeks when we had it up and running... we've since added wooden crates for nesting and a hanging food dish. It backs onto some woods so there are always tons of leaves that keep them busy and away from our garden for the most part, and they love bathing in the dirt in their doorway haha.

And now that it's winter we boarded up some windows that had missing panes and added a heated water bowl and stacked lots and lots of straw in there (which they redecorate with) ... after the winter we plan on building an attached run for them for unsupervised outdoor time.
There are soooo many cute coops on here!!!


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