Coop Renovation Progress [pic heavy]


Jan 29, 2019
Central Ohio
I’ve decided to create a thread where I can document the progress of my coop and run construction.

The original plan was to build, but after Hubby started working a 2nd full-time job, it just wasn’t feasible in the time frame we wanted. I found this little 8x6 beauty on Facebook marketplace for $500 and snatched it up.

(The coop at its original home)

It is Amish-built (quite common for sheds and outbuildings here in Ohio) and usually costs around $1800 new so even at 3ish years old and used, we got it for a steal.


(It was quite a chore to get home &loaded, accomplished only with ingenuity [pvc pipe rollers] and the brute strength of my corn-fed firefighter ;) with literally less than an inch of space to spare)

I know there are mixed feelings about buying pre-owned coops but I went ahead with it knowing the risks. Previous owner said she had sent all her remaining girls to freezer camp after her German Shepard wouldn’t stop getting loose and killing them so I was fairly confident we didn’t have any major disease concerns.


(When we first got the coop home)

The outside was in great shape but the inside...needed some work. First step was to tear out the poorly-spaced roost bars and mess of 2x4s and fiberglass insulation.


(It was a mouse paradise behind the back wall)

Cleaning this out was quite the job. I wore a face mask and gloves and boy did I need it! My saving grace was that everything was put in with screws and not nails (except for the roost bars). The wall with the windows (not pictured) wasn’t as bad since they had used OSB and plywood along with sheet foam insulation, but all that got torn out too.



Next step was cleaning. The walls and floor were pressure washed, scrubbed, and disinfected with Virkon S. I got up as much as I could, but I knew it wouldn’t be perfect. Also tore out the chicken wire in the back window (to be replaced with hardware cloth).


(Much better! Still lots of ground-in dirt and several spots where the paint had worn off the floor)


(The nest boxes have been a major challenge. They didn’t get pressure washed because the OSB is already in poor shape from the previous owner repeatedly hosing them out)


(My two poodles are convinced I’m really not capable of doing anything without their supervision)

After cleaning, I let everything dry out for about a week before caulking all the edges and cracks. I went through 4 tubes just to do the inside. This was followed by painting everything with porch & floor paint.


(What a difference! The floor will get a second coat)


(Painted nest boxes. You can see how previous owner drilled drain holes [with plugs] in each box)


(Window wall, with nest boxes below)

Part II coming up!
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I’ve decided to create a thread where I can document the progress of my coop and run construction.

The original plan was to build, but after Hubby started working a 2nd full-time job, it just wasn’t feasible in the time frame we wanted. I found this little 8x6 beauty on Facebook marketplace for $500 and snatched it up.
View attachment 1781783
(The coop at its original home)

It is Amish-built (quite common for sheds and outbuildings here in Ohio) and usually costs around $1800 new so even at 3ish years old and used, we got it for a steal.

View attachment 1781791
(It was quite a chore to get home &loaded, accomplished only with ingenuity [pvc pipe rollers] and the brute strength of my corn-fed firefighter ;) with literally less than an inch of space to spare)

I know there are mixed feelings about buying pre-owned coops but I went ahead with it knowing the risks. Previous owner said she had sent all her remaining girls to freezer camp after her German Shepard wouldn’t stop getting loose and killing them so I was fairly confident we didn’t have any major disease concerns.

View attachment 1781799
(When we first got the coop home)

The outside was in great shape but the inside...needed some work. First step was to tear out the poorly-spaced roost bars and mess of 2x4s and fiberglass insulation.

View attachment 1781800
(It was a mouse paradise behind the back wall)

Cleaning this out was quite the job. I wore a face mask and gloves and boy did I need it! My saving grace was that everything was put in with screws and not nails (except for the roost bars). The wall with the windows (not pictured) wasn’t as bad since they had used OSB and plywood along with sheet foam insulation, but all that got torn out too.

View attachment 1781802

Next step was cleaning. The walls and floor were pressure washed, scrubbed, and disinfected with Virkon S. I got up as much as I could, but I knew it wouldn’t be perfect. Also tore out the chicken wire in the back window (to be replaced with hardware cloth).

View attachment 1781808
(Much better! Still lots of ground-in dirt and several spots where the paint had worn off the floor)

View attachment 1781813
(The nest boxes have been a major challenge. They didn’t get pressure washed because the OSB is already in poor shape from the previous owner repeatedly hosing them out)

View attachment 1781872
(My two poodles are convinced I’m really not capable of doing anything without their supervision)

After cleaning, I let everything dry out for about a week before caulking all the edges and cracks. I went through 4 tubes just to do the inside. This was followed by painting everything with porch & floor paint.

View attachment 1781839
(What a difference! The floor will get a second coat)

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(Painted nest boxes. You can see how previous owner drilled drain holes [with plugs] in each box)

View attachment 1781860
(Window wall, with nest boxes below)

Part II coming up!
Nice job!
Part II

Thank you all for the kind words. I’ve been working very hard and it’s nice to share it with others that appreciate it! My co-worker who grew up with chickens as livestock about laughed herself silly when I told her I was painting the inside. I tried to explain that I *know* it will get dirty, the paint is to hopefully make it easier to clean :rolleyes: she still isn’t convinced and thinks I’m a bit touched.

This past week, after weeks of rain and wet soil, we finally got the coop moved into its final placement and up on concrete blocks (again just with pvc pipes, some jacks, and my husband, since we don’t own heavy machinery).


(Ignore the janky ratchet strap “anchor” that I put on during a wind advisory, since we hadn’t installed the ground anchors yet or finished leveling the blocks)

I’ve marked out the run area with lath and plan to install a 8x16 covered run.

If the weather cooperates long enough, I also plan to paint the outside of the coop red to match our existing garden shed, which sits not far from the coop.


(The only time I appreciate Ohio winters, when we get snow!)


(Shed from the other direction, with my pear tree in bloom)

I’ve caulked all the gaps on the exterior in preparation for painting. Because this wasn’t done originally, the trim along the bottom of the pop door had rotted out due to water dripping down the grooves in the siding.


(Trim removed. Not a big deal since I plan on replacing the swing-out door with an interior guillotine style)

We picked up some 30” ground anchors from Menards to secure the coop to the ground. We don’t typically get crazy winds here, but it can happen in the winter, especially living out in the country with not a lot to block winds. Hubby made quick work of screwing them into our clay soil by using a socket with a notch cut into it.


(We had this large socket left from a job on an old truck that’s no longer around, so it was repurposed)


(These will be secured by chain or wire cables)

Next up on the to-do list:
-2nd coat of interior paint
-Exterior paint
-replace the pop door
-construct the poop board and install roosts

Chicks arrive next week so I need to get moving! Luckily they won’t be out there for a few weeks more. Here’s to hoping the weather cooperates :fl
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