Coop vs Run materials

My pens for all of my coops are around 20 feet x 60 feet. I don't use anything in them but they are large enough for the birds and they are always scratching in it. For my coops which have wood floors, I use pine shaving which I also use in the nest boxes. I have some coops with dirt floors which I rake out under the roosts where most of the poop is.
I'm a fan of deep litter but since you're in the desert you actually might be better off with sand in the run... I assume it's usually very dry where you're at? IMO deep litter works best in areas that get some regular rainfall, to help the stuff break down.
I'm a fan of deep litter but since you're in the desert you actually might be better off with sand in the run... I assume it's usually very dry where you're at? IMO deep litter works best in areas that get some regular rainfall, to help the stuff break down.
We are high desert. We get some insane rains in July usually but that's it. We do get the occasional good snow in the winter. We work full time away from the house so I just want to do whatever will be most sanitary with needing intensive daily cleaning.
In the summer when it's HOT I have some sprinklers in some of the pens that pretty much cover all of the pens. I put it on for awhile to cool the sand. When it's hot the sand is hot and the birds don't like it. They walk around when in the sun like they are walking on a hot bed of coals. They do have shade/rain tables in all of the pens and trees.
We are planning to use sand in our coop with these nesting pads in the nesting boxes

The run is being built on just plain dirt. Should we look into a deep litter type of substrate for the run? If so, what's recommended? It will be about 20'x10'.


I had some pieces of artificial grass that I cut up for the nest boxes. They are not using them to nest yet but they are nice and soft and can be rinsed withThe Jose as needed.

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