Cornish X chicks feeding schedule


10 Years
May 18, 2009
I've read many opinions on how often/how much to feed new chicks, but I'd like to find out specifically what you recommend for meat birds. I know there are always different opinions so I'd like you to also tell me why you feed the way do. Thanks in advance! I'm a first-timer raising chickens and need all the help I can get.
I'm new at this too and just sorta winged it... heh

Food was available for my chicks 24hrs up until 2 weeks then I fed them 4 times a day until 6 weeks then it was 3 times a day. Now they only eat twice a day and are ready for processing. I let mine free range all day everyday. Not a scientific method but I haven't had any issues or wasted food.
I feed them this way because at first I was a bit grossed out about how gluttonous they were and didn't want them to outgrown themselves and become sick. One of neighbors is amazed at how healthy my flock is/was... I think it has to do with their limited feeding schedule.

I pickup 13 red cornish x chicks tomorrow. Supposedly they grow a bit slower so I might have to figure a different schedule for them.
My Cornish roasters just passed the 3 week mark. Currently they have food for about 16 hours a day. I remove the food about when I go to bed and put it back in within half an hour of waking up. So far so good. They are now without a light in the brooder and in a back room so I assume they stop eating when it gets dark. They are all asleep when I go in and take out the food.
Once they're in their chicken tractor, they'll go 12 hours with/ 12 hours without. The 16/8 is just easier for me to remember while they're inside! This is also my first batch of meaties so I may be posting in a few weeks that I should have restricted feed more!
The hatchery we got our meaties from suggests feeding 24/7 for the first two weeks then feeding however much they can eat in half an hour, 3 times a day.

Since thats the hatcheries suggestion, I think thats what I'll do.
Thanks so much for quick replies! That gives me something to think about. I can't believe how much they've grown in a just a few days. They can really eat!
It's not really a science either- I work afternoons, and I fill my feeders in the morning, again before I leave for work, and when I come home they're empty. Works for me!

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