Coturnix & Bobwhite cage size

Wow, so gorgeous!!!
Wish I had enough space to be keeping Bobs. I only have enough space for a couple of small cages unfortunately
I don't think that would be very fair to them. Thanks so much for the picture

for pairs only QGF breeder pens are fine any more then pairs and bigger is better 2H X 3'W X 7"D Is a good start then however many you put in this watch them closely IF they are brooded together they do pretty good but if you mix a bunch together they WILL establish a pecking order and sometimes this is not pretty

I have a friend that keeps 2 cockbirds and 5 hens in this size pen and he does pretty good with this setup but his bird are brooded together

Thanks for the advice, I will definitely bear that in mind. It would be nice to be able to keep some other breeds of quail
I was thinking it looks kind of like how the silver gene expresses itself in Coturnix and Buttons. Anyone know what the gene is for smokey Bobs?

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