Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

Hi there,
I'm doing great.. A little nervous but extremely excited about our new journey with quail eggs!! This information I read on here was extremely helpful. Thank you for answering me I was so worried about eating the eggs after I read it somewhere!
Thank you again :)
Hi there,
I'm doing great.. A little nervous but extremely excited about our new journey with quail eggs!! This information I read on here was extremely helpful. Thank you for answering me I was so worried about eating the eggs after I read it somewhere!
Thank you again :)

Theres plenty of great info on here , and plenty of people here more than happy to help :D dont be nervous , they are exciting to watch and i always love hearing the different noises they make , mine have made a new home wondering my garden lol they love all the extra bugs out there
There is no problem at all keeping roos with your hens as long as you have the correct ratios. Too many roos and you'll likely have fighting over the hens. You can eat the quail eggs that have been fertilized, but you should collect eggs at least twice a day. Quail are quite productive when it comes to eggs. My son got to eat quail eggs for the first time the other day. He is deadly allergic to chicken eggs and developed a similar allergy to duck eggs so all that is really left for us (that is a quiet breed) are quails. He told me those were the best fried eggs he'd eaten in a long time! No reaction. There is a lot of "talk" out there so it's best to consult experts about what to do and what not to do.

Enjoy your quail. I'm starting out myself and can't wait until my first set hatches! I've done a lot, I mean a lot of research and this was a concern I had to.

Thanks SusieQ
I have been doing a lot of research as well. The only thing I wasn't sure on was eating the fertilized eggs, as I seen a post about how you shouldn't. I'm glad that I got feedback, and quick feedback too!
I can't wait to get my eggs and start our Ned adventure. I love my chickens so I'm sure we will love quail as well!!
I just set my eggs on Sat. so it looks like we're both going to have an adventure. You'll see a lot of different information out there. Just make sure you confirm what you find with multiple sources that are reliable.

SuseyQ :)
I have 2 sections in my pen, 1 roo to 4 hens in each side. Have no problems and get 8 eggs every day. Been eating them for a year no problems.
Just a question..... couldn't it but no doubt it is somewhere.
what age do you change their pellets from crumble to the next sort?
What I do is continue to off the food I have ground to a near powder as well as other forms with more chunks. This gives them a choice. Im not expert though so maybe others with more experience have better advice.
Do any with experience with Scofield blue Coturnix know if they overly aggressive? I was told by some guy on BYC in a private messaging conversation to watch out for mixing the Scofield with Wild and Golderns that the blue will bully and even tear the skin off the wild and goldens.

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