Could my goats be pregnant?


9 Years
Apr 19, 2010
Hi I've got a question for any goat raisers on here, esp. Nigerian or Pygmy goat breeders. I know I should put this on a goat forum...but I haven't registered in one yet...
My 4 nigi x does have been running with my buck for the past 3weeks. all 4 I know were bred the first week, but about a week or so later 3 of them sort of came back into heat...the buck shows some interest in them...not as much as before. The last one didn't come back into heat...for three weeks, but seems like she was sort of in heat today. Is it possible that they're bred anyway? I will be keeping the buck with them another week or so...the buck & 2 does are proven, the others will be First fresheners. I sort of had a little bit of a problem last year when I had two does and ran them with a buck, and they seemed to be in heat in November, but one of them kidded in February, 2 months earlier then I thought she would. Anybody have this happen with their goats?

Any input would be appreciated!


i would say yes they are likely pregnant. goats gestation is generally 150-155 days . start watching them in about 110 days!
we have 6 does due in feb-march!
I really hope they're all bred...I can't wait for bouncing baby goats in march/april!

aw sorry I'm in *little* far...

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