Couldn’t walk last night, can’t stand this morning

Oh good. I would work on hydration. Offer him some plain water too, some birds don't like vitamins and just won't drink them. Watermelon is good so if he will eat a bit of that it will be fine.

I wonder if it's injury, but you should get a reaction every time you move the leg. Marek's would be a possibility.
See how he does. Hopefully he will be more comfortable in a sling. I would move him in/out of it so he can change positions a few times a day.

Poor little guy:(
Yes he’s a sweetie, he’s called Kronk because he isn’t the brightest 😂. He has always been last into the coop and often has to be encouraged to go to bed! He also developed his feathers way later than the others. I don’t have any idea where these babies came from- I only bought them because no one else was and I could see they were struggling in a tiny cage in the heat.
Some recent pics as we have just given him more water with the syringe. He isn’t voluntarily drinking from the bowl of fresh or medicated unless I dunk his beak in. He has eaten some watermelon, but only a little. He is mostly sleeping- even in between syringed mouthfuls, sometimes I had to give him a little nudge awake to swallow!

Something which might be relevant, he is shivering. Mostly on his out breath. My daughter said he was this morning but I didn’t feel it while I held him, and now it has increased. I think he is hot too but I might be imagining that...
Also he just did a poo! Pretty normal looking one I think?


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Some recent pics as we have just given him more water with the syringe. He isn’t voluntarily drinking from the bowl of fresh or medicated unless I dunk his beak in. He has eaten some watermelon, but only a little. He is mostly sleeping- even in between syringed mouthfuls, sometimes I had to give him a little nudge awake to swallow!

Something which might be relevant, he is shivering. Mostly on his out breath. My daughter said he was this morning but I didn’t feel it while I held him, and now it has increased. I think he is hot too but I might be imagining that...
Also he just did a poo! Pretty normal looking one I think?
How is he doing?
The shivering is very concerning. When you hold him, do you happen to feel any air bubbles underneath his skin - just a thought there if it's injury, possibly a bruised or leaking air sac.

Chickens are warm an adult chicken temp is 105-107F, a chick's can be slightly warmer than that. He does need to be kept warm, but not overheated, he should be fairly comfy at around 70-75.

Here is the avian respiratory system.
How is he doing?
The shivering is very concerning. When you hold him, do you happen to feel any air bubbles underneath his skin - just a thought there if it's injury, possibly a bruised or leaking air sac.

Chickens are warm an adult chicken temp is 105-107F, a chick's can be slightly warmer than that. He does need to be kept warm, but not overheated, he should be fairly comfy at around 70-75.

Here is the avian respiratory system.

poor little boy died today, I thought I was seeing some improvement because he was drinking a little by himself. He was still very sleepy and shivering though- I couldn’t feel any air under the skin,my husband is a doctor so he gave him a good check over too. Anyway I came in to check him later and he was gone 😥. I will be keeping a very close eye on the others but if it is mareks is there anything I can do? Are they all likely to have it now?
I am very sorry that you lost him. If you would like to get a necropsy by your state poultry vet to look for Mareks or other diseases, save his body in plastic bags in a cooler with ice packs, but don’t freeze it. Contact your state vet on Monday am from this list:

Hopefully, it is not Mareks, but if it is, the others would have been exposed at the same time his was. Here is some reading about it:
poor little boy died today, I thought I was seeing some improvement because he was drinking a little by himself. He was still very sleepy and shivering though- I couldn’t feel any air under the skin,my husband is a doctor so he gave him a good check over too. Anyway I came in to check him later and he was gone 😥. I will be keeping a very close eye on the others but if it is mareks is there anything I can do? Are they all likely to have it now?
:( I'm sorry to hear he died.

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