Coyotes :(

Coyote fishing? That sounds inhumane...I'd much rather be killed outright with a bullet or even trapped then killed than to be impaled with an object and left stuck there, bleeding and in excruciating pain. If you are going to kill OP please do it humanely.
I've never done it. Then again, I'm not a big fan of hanging out all night on the roof with a rifle.
I'm just sayin' this is one way to dispatch of the problem.
Having somewhat recently had a coyote walk up into my yard at 3:00 pm within 30 yards of my wife and 18 month old granddaughter (not a lot bigger than the roo), playing in the yard, and snatch one of my BR roosters. I must say, I'm a bit intrigued with coyote fishing idea. These critters are fairly difficult to get a shot at when you do see them and, when these predators lose their fear of humans (in my opinion), especially where it concerns my family....there's no "wrong" way to eliminate them.

Just my two cents.
Having somewhat recently had a coyote walk up into my yard at 3:00 pm within 30 yards of my wife and 18 month old granddaughter (not a lot bigger than the roo), playing in the yard, and snatch one of my BR roosters. I must say, I'm a bit intrigued with coyote fishing idea. These critters are fairly difficult to get a shot at when you do see them and, when these predators lose their fear of humans (in my opinion), especially where it concerns my family....there's no "wrong" way to eliminate them.

Just my two cents.
Exactly. The wife had the stupid idea that she could keep a momma cat, and six youngins up here in the high desert.
I'm not having 7 cats and a dog in the house. I told her it couldn't be done.
Within a week, they were all coyote poop.

If they get near my birds, all hell is headed their way.
Well, I suppose that's a subjective term, and to each their own. My grandkids love to go out and visit and play with the chickens and, electric poultry fencing would not only give them a jolt, but it also goes around the problem (they WILL be back when hunger sets in). But, to be perfectly honest, when it comes to my family's safety, there is no wrong way to dispatch opportunistic predators such as coyotes and, the manner in which I conduct their elimination is quite low on my list of priorities... without reservation or regret.... But that's just me.
Wow coyote fishing, that sure sounds gruesome and effective. I'm pretty sure baiting and trapping is illegal here in BC. We aren't allowed to plant deer forage for example as its interfering with the natural migration patterns and not considered sporting. DH would think its a great idea probably. He's not happy that they are staying close enough to the house that they can snatch a hen the minute it was let out after days of
being locked up.. Well DH is still keeping a look out and if he sees one on our property again he will shoot it. He's cool with letting wildlife be wild and free until they threaten his home, that's DH. Having said that he can't sit there 24/7 either so I'm more interested in deterrents and a longer term solution

I'm waiting on electric netting and praying that will be enough and if not then at least I know they are safe in the barn/coop. I guess we will just have to hope our neighbors are good at keeping garbage/pet food locked away and hopefully the coyotes will move on to the next food source after a time. I hear wolves howling here every full moon and even heard them last week but the coyotes are around now too.
I suppose that could be an option if I were trying to "capture".....The death of these vermin is my objective, so really, I suppose either would work. I'm just going to shoot them anyway.

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