~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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6 Wheaten Marans eggs to be shipped March 12th. Auction ends 5 pm EST March 11th payment due promptly after the auction ends.
Bidding starts at $5.00 plus$15.00 shipping
Good Luck and Happy Bidding
I Bid $7 on these

CRFARMS 12+ Birchen Marans eggs (BLUE/BLACK) I will Start Bid at $10
Thank you!
I will add a few not sure anyone needs what I have though
How about a blue egg special. I will pick the bluest eggs laid by shipping time Wednesday morning from these birds. Dont know exactly what youll get but will definatly be nice blue eggs and all pure AMs.
Start the bids at $5 and shipping $15
a maximum of 12 eggs will be sent

Lav AMs

Blue Wheaton


There will be 12 eggs sent and so far at least 1 BW will be added possibly 3 by wed morning :)
Top bid is dfdesigns @ 20
I will also try and include mostly colors wanted if someone is looking for specifics
I'm still winning on the araucanas right?? I swear I dreamed about those eggs last night!
I decided not to bid on the other ones too because I have room for roughly 15 eggs, but it doesn't look like those maran eggs will be homeless anyway!
6 Wheaten Marans eggs to be shipped March 12th. Auction ends 5 pm EST March 11th payment due promptly after the auction ends.
Bidding starts at $5.00 plus$15.00 shipping
Good Luck and Happy Bidding!


6 Wheaten Marans eggs to be shipped March 12th. Auction ends 5 pm EST March 11th payment due promptly after the auction ends.
Bidding starts at $5.00 plus$15.00 shipping
Good Luck and Happy Bidding
I Bid $7 on these

You are the high bidder right now!
Ok so then lets get the party started (again)!

10 Araucana eggs to be shipped March 12th. Auction ends 4:30 pm EST March 11th payment due proptley after the auction ends.
Bidding starts at $5.00 plus$15.00 shipping
These are Large Fowl (standard) not Bantams.
Good Luck and Happy Bidding!

Araucanas are beautiful, rumpless, tufted, breed of chicken that has ear tufts, no tail (rump-less), and lays a blue egg. If you are not familiar with this breed please research them before you buy.
Buying hatching eggs is a gamble and Araucana eggs have their own hatching difficulties. Araucanas have a lower fertility rate then many other breeds. Please only buy if you can afford to take the risk and possibility that none will hatch. Chicks may be tufted and/or rumpless and it is possible you will get some with stray tail feathers or even tails. If after all of this you would still love the challenges of this breed like I do, please bid and have the chance of owning some truly beautiful birds.
I pack as safe and secure as possible but I cannot guarantee that they will survive any shipping mishaps or be responsible for shipping / handling or incubation conditions so I cannot guarantee that ANY will hatch.
Please do not leave eggs sitting in a mailbox that could overheat or freeze.
I only ship eggs to lower 47 states (sorry not to Virginia), no international shipping
I don't have "robin blue" eggs. They are not olive either. They fall some where in between. On my computer the uploaded picture is pretty true to color. On my husbands across the room the color is much more vibrant then they really are. To see more of my pictures go to my Araucana photo album on my profile

Ray n debi- I have found very limited info on hatching the araucanas. Could you direct me to a good site/thread?
That being said- $5 :)
You are the high bidder right now!
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