~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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ok, i'll jump in here...

up for auction is a dozen (12+) Easter Egger eggs, covered by either silver grey dorking, red dorking, or blue laced red wyandottes.
this is an auction, price starts at $5 s&h is $15 auction ends at 8pm eastern tomorrow, eggs will ship saturday.

the crosses result in large fast growing chicks, some have 5 toes, that will lay a light blue egg. I have 4 EE/Ameraucana hens, each one very different from the other, so a wide color variety is possible.
(some photographers are better than others LOL)

They are some PRETTY looking EE's
ok how do u do this im interested

Wayne...you just make a bid, if you win the seller will PM you. OR PM the seller for a direct sale.
Up for auction I have 6+ Bantam Light Brahma Hatching eggs Bidding starts at $15 w/ $12.50 shipping
These are from Tim Lindenborn birds. I am NPIP and AI clean.

I've got Iowa Blue eggs available as I've just finished filling all my orders. I'd set these but I have quite a few eggs coming next week so I need the incubator space.

Iowa Blue are a dual purpose breed. My hens never seem to take a break. They lay large light brown eggs (pullets lay medium). They are great free rangers and excellent mothers. Both sexes have been known to fight off hawks. This auction is for 18++ eggs to be shipped Friday. Bidding starts at $15 plus $18 shipping. (This is a reduced price. I usually sell these for $20 a dozen)

This is a picture of a Birchen pair. I also have Silver Penciled in the pen. If chicks hatch black they are Birchen, brown are Silver Penciled.
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