
Free Ranging
Feb 6, 2019
I went and got chicks over the objections of my partner, who has a dozen projects at this house that he feels should be higher priority. Now that they are here, he adores them, of course. He especially loves the little Black Australorp, whom he calls White Butt.

He is a perfectionistic finish carpenter. In contrast, I know which end of a hammer to hold. He doesn't have time to build a coop this year, the pre-fab coops are ridiculous, and any effort I make will be deemed utterly unacceptable and he will stop what he is doing and rebuild it, probably from scratch. He wants to build a wonderful coop next year. So, what to do?

Dear partner had an unusual idea. We have a small front porch that the previous owners enclosed and (sort of) heated. The only time we have used it was to put up our Christmas tree. With the heat on, the condensation was awful and the windows were dripping wet every day. We plan to turn it back into a porch.

He wants to put a coop in there! He will cut a hole for the pop door, and we will fashion a chick tunnel to an outdoor run. I will cover all the windows with hardware cloth, and arrange for shade on the southern windows, and maybe the eastern. (Windows are on the north, east, and south.) There will be ample room for my 4 chickens, and storage as well for bedding and feed.

We won't be demolishing anything that isn't already planned for demolition. There will be lots of ventilation. It just seems a little too back-to-the-land!

Are we crazy?
Hi, I am a crazy chicken lady here as well. I currently have 7 coops and over 50 birds, well... accordion got chicken math anyway. We built our first coop, and have used prefab coops since then.

I know that many people don't like the prefab coops, but for me they have held up wonderfully and provide great homes for my girls. Here is a pic of my current chicken yard.

Where your partner wants to put the coops sounds like a really cool idea. Post pics when you get it done, I am really interested to see it.

Backyard blooming 4.jpg


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