crazy rooster

Shoot just found out my rooster thinks I'm one of his hens. Lol he'll mount his girls but I just realized today that for about a week he's been doing this thing. I thought he hurt his wing then I realized every time I bent down to clean out the coop he was dancing for me. Lmbo. He thinks I'm his. Lol
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Shoot just found out my rooster thinks I'm one of his hens. Lol he'll mount his girls but I just realized today that for about a week he's been doing this thing. I thought he hurt his wing then I realized every time I bent down to clean out the coop he was dancing for me. Lmbo. He thinks I'm his. Lol
Wing drop is also a precursor to attack, keep your eye on him.
My dominant cockerel would occasionally try to show me he is mighty and attack my feet. It was very rare but I knew when he was going to do it because he dropped his wing and danced. It wasnt quite the same dance he does for the girls...more like a stutter-step. Kind of a "float like a butterfly sting like a bee" thing.
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Wing drop is also a precursor to attack, keep your eye on him.
thanks for the info. I'll watch him. He's only doing it to me and he used to be mean till he got trapped trying to get at a mouse. Almost killed him. I had to hand feed and water him. Took the fight right out of him. Now I can turn him on his belly and he just lays there for me.

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