Crazy Rooster


11 Years
May 12, 2008
Griffin, Ga
Hello, Im new to the forum but I have 5 hens and a Rooster. All are leghorns. Hens lay eggs fine no problem. Its the rooster I dont know what to do with.

My rooster, Foghorn, is always in a crowing war with the rooster next door. Foghorn is always mounting to hens, CONSTANTLY. My poor hens are all cut up from his tormenting them. Although I might not know to much about them, this cant be healthy. Can you give me any advice how to stop him before I have to remove him.

They all are very healthy. They are just about a yr old. On Purina layer pellets. I want to get more hens, but this rooster is driving me nuts.

Oh, we got the chickens for my daughter, who is in FFA. Got them at an auction. She built the coop and has done a great job, but im worried the rooster is going to kill the hens.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would get more hens! Hopefully that will end the poor hens problem! As far as the crowing war...I think he will be to busy to bother with that!!
Cool thats what I was wanting to do anyway. So should I get the grown hens or can I buy some chicks or both. If I do buy chicks will the hens or the rooster bother the chicks?
Be careful with raising the chicks. You will have to isolate them until they are basically full grown as you will start to find dead hens from the rooster trying to breed them.

I learned this lesson the hard way and lost 2 NICE game hens when I put them in with a rooster too early.
As for the crowing war...that's what they do. I's a way to say to the other roo - these are my girls and if you come this way I'll try to kill you. I'm sure they probably do this a lot if they can hear each other but have never fought to establish who is the alpha. NOT THAT I MEANT YOU SHOULD HAVE THEM FIGHT, JUST IN CASE SOMEONE GETS CONFUSED. My point is that they are in a constant state of unresolved protection mode. Does this make them more aggressive with the hens? Because he is in constant rational fear of being knocked out by the neighbor roo he may be working a little extra to ensure his DNA will get passed along. Chicken saddles may help the hens. More hens are great but won't necessairily fix the problem.
Well now that I know I dont need a rooster for eggs:rolleyes:I might just have to get him a new home. I have a friend that wants him, kind of embarrasing I have had him and really didnt need him:/
I just have hens because I don't want to deal with a rooster. I can just buy more hens as i need, and I find it very pleasant this way. Besides anything that wakes me up before 6 am is going to be put in the stew pot!

If you don't want to have a breeding program you will be much happier, as will your hens, without this guy.
Then he is gone!!! LOL Im just learning and just cant take what he is doing to the hens. I called my friend and he is coming for him tonight!!! YEAH!! Getting new chicks tomorrow i think and have a brooder ready for them. Thank you everyone for the quick replies and the help. This is a great site for learning!!


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