Cream Legbar Club -- WWIT

Welcome -- so glad that you are with us..... Several BYC members who are active on this and other Cream Legbar threads are working to put together the foundations so that when we have that in place -- getting a club going is going to go smoothly (we hope) for one and all.

We need people just like you! (and the rest of the Cream Legbar enthusiasts).
Awesome! Welcome! I am currently keeping a list of those who wish to be involved in the Cream Legbar Club (currently being formed by a small group from those in this thread). PM me your name, address, phone number, e-mail, stock source and quantity, and any way your are willing to help with the club. Your info will be kept confidential and only be handed over to the club membership rolls.

I know it seems really quiet on the legbar threads lately but I PROMISE the small groups have been working hard and VERY SOON will have a lot to show for it.

The answer---- to What will it take? is found!!

It's been the people who have worked hard behind the scenes and in front of the scenes to put the Cream Legbar Club in motion.

Everyone who weighed in on this thread, everyone who has been working to find out answers about this breed, everyone who gave their ideas, and everyone who worked on the constitution and by-laws on the Yahoo group, everyone who worked on the Google group -- each person contributed to getting things where they are now. THANKS

It takes a constitution and by-laws to tell the IRS that you are a bona fide organization so that you can get a tax ID. The tax ID is needed to open a bank account. A bank account is needed to attach to payPal so dues can be accumulated. Dues will be used to fund the club activites. Early on, one of the goals is to get some banners, so that the club will be identified at tables for events where club members will talk about Cream Legbars.

Here is what we have thus far... we have people who are working as acting club officers and as acting regional directors, we have a temporary website where people can enroll in the club, we have a bank account that is growing with each membership to pay for club expenses.

Early in the first quarter of 2013 we plan to have our first on-line meeting, the club will distribute the club newsletter, and potentially, by the second quarter of 2013, we will have our real website, and have voted approval of some of the things the club needs to approve...(like a version of the great Logo's developed in this thread by blackbirds13.) Together we are ready to launch a club--- and everyone who is interested can participate. Here is a link to our enrollment website.

Thanks for all the help -- and the patience... (I see that this thread was started Nov 4th - so under 2-months of work represented in this thread and the groups that split up the work)

Add your ideas and your thoughts to the comments page -- and/or the messages in the enrollment form. Think of ways we can accomplish what we set out to do for these birds and their owners. Looking forward to seeing you in the club!
thanks for working so hard! my dues will be in by February!
The answer---- to What will it take?  is found!!

It's been the people who have worked hard behind the scenes and in front of the scenes to put the Cream Legbar Club in motion.  

 Everyone who weighed in on this thread, everyone who has been working to find out answers about this breed, everyone who gave their ideas, and everyone who worked on the constitution and by-laws on the Yahoo group, everyone who worked on the Google group -- each person contributed to getting things where they are now.  THANKS

It takes a constitution and by-laws to tell the IRS that you are a bona fide organization so that you can get a tax ID.  The tax ID is needed to open a bank account.  A bank account is needed to attach to payPal so dues can be accumulated.  Dues will be used to fund the club activites.  Early on, one of the goals is to get some banners, so that the club will be identified at tables for events where club members will talk about Cream Legbars.  

Here is what we have thus far... we have people who are working as acting club officers and as acting regional directors, we have a temporary website where people can enroll in the club, we have a bank account that is growing with each membership to pay for club expenses.  

Early in the first quarter of 2013 we plan to have our first on-line meeting, the club will distribute the club newsletter, and potentially, by the second quarter of 2013, we will have our real website, and have voted approval of some of the things the club needs to approve...(like a version of the great Logo's developed in this thread by blackbirds13.)  Together we are ready to launch a club--- and everyone who is interested can participate.  Here is a link to our enrollment website.

Thanks for all the help -- and the patience... (I see that this thread was started Nov 4th - so under 2-months of work represented in this thread and the groups that split up the work)  

Add your ideas and your thoughts to the comments page -- and/or the messages in the enrollment form.  Think of ways we can accomplish what we set out to do for these birds and their owners.  Looking forward to seeing you in the club! 
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That is so great everyone!!! (since the world hasn't ended after all--- I think there is a great year ahead for the Cream Legbar Club)---- everyone will be looking forward to all of you coming on board when the time suits you!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all!!!
Great job! I just signed up and paid my dues. I am so excited for 2013. I should have my first CL chick hatching right around Jan 1.
OUTSTANDING! Great Job guys!

So sorry I haven't been able to respond to messages - we had three separate family emergencies over November and December. Hopefully everything is back on track for "normal!"

I'll be signing up soon, probably in late January. Still hoping to find a correct roo, but this little guy looks promising; not too much red showing up. He is so inquisitive and friendly too. Sometimes a little too friendly LOL!

And FINALLY, I have two girls with crests! (the orange chicks are German New Hamps.)


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