Cream Legbars

I have 12 6-week old chicks in a pen together with a small hanging feeder and a bottle baby goat as their neighbor, so I have a chance to watch them eat after I give them feed as I'm feeding the goat. They do seem to eat differently than most breeds I have -- they don't peck, they act like an excavator hoe, one that opens and closes. So they scoop up so much (Purina starter/grower) that they drop most of it and only a bit goes down the hatch, most of the rest ends up out of the feeder. There will be finer grain remnants left in the tray that will be there for hours and they'll peck at it, but it's still there. Has anyone else noticed this eating style with legbars?
Our LegBar/Fenton just eats....and eats, sometimes she shares, other times she pushes her 'sisters' out of the way, occasionally there's a small peck to emphasise she sees it as 'her food' lol but she loves a cuddle and is a gorgeous girl !
Finally getting better hatching on the legbars! They sure are touchy about the weather when it gets cold, for sure! Lost all my cocks' combs due to the sudden extreme cold in February this year, so everyone is now dubbed.... not that it comes as a huge surprise, but I still hate it! Good luck out there you lovely poultry people!
Mine certainly aren't dainty eaters! I'm looking forward to when all 13 of the TX group get big enough to fend for themselves and I can breed them with my last year's. I also received 3 chicks from Papa's Poultry since last posted (along with more of his awesome Orps), so now I my CCLB collection is from 3 parts of the country.
finally bred a cream cockerel after all these years. Has a toe injury, though.
Pink Eggs from a Cream Legbar

I have a cream legbar hen who's laying light pinkish brown eggs. Her sisters lay light sky blue eggs. She is fully crested and has more of the cream color than her sisters who are more redish. Shes also been laying an egg a day since she started laying (not missed a day in 3 months) while her sisters lay 5-6 a week.

Has anyone ever had a Cream Legbar who lays an egg thats not blue?


Egg shell is white with pinkish brown bloom.
My cream leg bar is laying lite pinkish brown eggs and I know she is a leg bar! Is this a defect?
I'm not a breeder at all but if a Cream Leg was created to be a blue egg layer I would think that is the standard to breed for in addition to the desired outward standard?! Hard to get ALL the standards into one bird, eh? That frustrating fact is why I don't become a breeder. Kudos to breeders who have the fortitude to breed our wonderful chicken varieties!

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