Cream Legbars

I really wish I could clone myself or invent the 48 hour day. There just never seems to be enough time to get everything I want to do, done. Sigh...
Isn't that the truth...or sometimes you wish you had an extra hand -- but then someone would just hand you something and you would still have your hands full.......
-- I've wished for a clone or a twin to get more done meself.

PM'd you -- since the Clubhouse is private to Club members only (both full and associate ladies & gentlemen)
Thanks I really am happy with my flock. But the Cemani are not from GFF or Toni-Marie but another breeder whose prices are way more reasonable called Wolfwhyte here on BYC . I'm taking a chance that they are going to be something I can work with but these are the best I can afford - no thousand dollar birds here.... my DH would not go for that either. One of the persons with Toni-Marie's birds has personally 'banned' me from their Ayam Cemani USA Breeders group (
) because he says I stuck my nose into business that was not my own here on the Ayam Cemani Thread. His PMs are really kinda funny. The internet is filled with a lot of very self-described, self-important people.

I am thinking of re-penning the birds today into a Marans pen and a Legbar pen as opposed to the males and females separately as they are now. I'd like to dig out a third pen to put the White Sports into but not sure I have the time.... I need a double hour day Laingcroft. I'd like to see whose laying what but I need to dig up more pens for that. I have a few pullet eggs popping up so I'd like to find out who the bluer eggs are from. I'm looking forward to sitting down and deciding who goes with wiho. All the gold girls will go into the Marans pens for EEs. Their eggs are greener also.

I've thought about doing a brochure for my own birds to give out to customers and for if I ever do shows.
Knock on wood- this is a boy I marked to grow out for myself. Green band girl's son if I recall correctly. I am a little surprised to see the gold streaks in his wing triangle because there is no doubt in my mind that mom and dad are both double cream. Hm maybe something else is going on here besides the cream gene.

He looks nice type wise so far. I think this is something we need to watch. I got some nice colored boys with some faint gold in the wing triangle last year but tried to keep the ones with the cleanest wings. I feel sometimes that the questions about these birds will take some time and investigation. I think getting to cream was only the first step.
I culled down to 3 young boys and Macbeth for 4 cream Cream Legbars and the single White Sport male. I kept one of each type of barring in the boys that I could decipher. Lots of questions I'd like to investigate this year.

ETA - did it. Put all the Legbars in one pen and the Marans in another. There are 7 CCL gilrs in the Marans pen that I culled out so far. May do 1 or 2 more. I have 2 Jubilee and 3 Barnevelders in the Legbar pen. Those I think I'll sell on Craigslist in a bit. Need to clear out a pen for the Sports as he's in with the Legbars right now. Not looking forward to trying to dig out all that snow.
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Here is some updated photos of my girls. They are both the same age but the smaller had an upper respiratory infection from travel stress.​

Did you just acquire these chickens? If so be sure to have them in quarantine. If one has or did have a respiratory infection then the others likely have also. The infection isn't causes by travel stress, it is already in the system of an infected chicken and the stress of a situation can cause it to surface. Depending on the type of infection(I think it is all respiratory infections) chickens will be carriers of this for life and can still shed the disease and likely pass it on to other chickens and chicks. Some diseases can be passed through eggs also. So please think about that before selling chicks and hatching eggs.
Did you just acquire these chickens? If so be sure to have them in quarantine. If one has or did have a respiratory infection then the others likely have also. The infection isn't causes by travel stress, it is already in the system of an infected chicken and the stress of a situation can cause it to surface. Depending on the type of infection(I think it is all respiratory infections) chickens will be carriers of this for life and can still shed the disease and likely pass it on to other chickens and chicks. Some diseases can be passed through eggs also. So please think about that before selling chicks and hatching eggs. 

Oh ya, they have been seperated since January when I got them. Several of the original 9 got it but were better immediately with treatment. This little one just never seem to warm up and alway appeared cold but is doing much better now. I did loose one that showed no sign of illness. Ya just never know... They soon will be moving into their own large run and coop. I put one of my layers in with them several weeks back now after she was attacked by a dog. The ladies would not accept her back but is fitting in nicely with the teenagers. I've watched closely and I do not see any transmission of it to her either. They just had a clear runny nose and sneeze. No eye involvement or runny stool.
I haven't decided if I'm going to breed yet, still too much to learn
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Oh ya, they have been seperated since January. Several of the original 9 got it but were better immediately with treatment. This little one just never seem to warm up and alway appeared cold but is doing much better now. I did loose one that showed no sign of illness. Ya just never know... They soon will be moving next to my layers in their own large run and coop.

Not knowing exactly what they had and this is just my own personal opinion but If they were mine I would cull them and not bring them near your layer flock or breed from them. But that is just my own opinion, I wouldn't want anything that has had an illness near my healthy chickens. Treatment only takes away the symptoms. They are still carriers.
Sometimes the conditions that a chicken is in may cause lung irritation. For example, if the coop has a large build of manure, then the ammonia off gassing can cause lung irritations. This irritation can leave them open for disease but if they are placed in "clean " living conditions the irritations can clear up. It is always a good idea to figure out just exactly what you are dealing with.
Sometimes the conditions that a chicken is in may cause lung irritation. For example, if the coop has a large build of manure, then the ammonia off gassing can cause lung irritations. This irritation can leave them open for disease but if they are placed in "clean " living conditions the irritations can clear up. It is always a good idea to figure out just exactly what you are dealing with.

Very True.

fintuckyfarms what were the symptoms your chickens were showing?

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