Cream Legbars

Hi, Hope I can butt in on your thread about Cream Legbars. I'm looking to purchase some and would like a little guidance if possible. Sorry, I didn't read thru all 385 pages, only a few. How many eggs do you get from this breed? the little bit of reading I did just said....they are productive layers....well, does that mean 150 eggs/year or 250 eggs/year??? Also says they are good free-rangers. Do you find this to be true? we are looking at either doing free range or chicken tractor as I want them to be outdoors but we have lots of Hawks and I don't want them to get eaten/taken!
Also, im having a hard time finding any. I know they are rare which is probably why. The most ive found Is hatching eggs and I don't have an incubator to hatch them so id love chicks or mature birds. Any one know of anywhere to get some?? I'm getting really excited to start my flock!!
Hi, Hope I can butt in on your thread about Cream Legbars. I'm looking to purchase some and would like a little guidance if possible. Sorry, I didn't read thru all 385 pages, only a few. How many eggs do you get from this breed? the little bit of reading I did just said....they are productive layers....well, does that mean 150 eggs/year or 250 eggs/year??? Also says they are good free-rangers. Do you find this to be true? we are looking at either doing free range or chicken tractor as I want them to be outdoors but we have lots of Hawks and I don't want them to get eaten/taken!
Also, im having a hard time finding any. I know they are rare which is probably why. The most ive found Is hatching eggs and I don't have an incubator to hatch them so id love chicks or mature birds. Any one know of anywhere to get some?? I'm getting really excited to start my flock!!
As far as production goes, these girls of mine are averaging about 5+ per week which is right up there with red and black sex links.

Post your location, and you may find that there si someone relatively close to you. Also there is a list of members/breeders on the Cream Legbar Club site.
Hi, Hope I can butt in on your thread about Cream Legbars. I'm looking to purchase some and would like a little guidance if possible. Sorry, I didn't read thru all 385 pages, only a few. How many eggs do you get from this breed? the little bit of reading I did just said....they are productive layers....well, does that mean 150 eggs/year or 250 eggs/year??? Also says they are good free-rangers. Do you find this to be true? we are looking at either doing free range or chicken tractor as I want them to be outdoors but we have lots of Hawks and I don't want them to get eaten/taken!
Also, im having a hard time finding any. I know they are rare which is probably why. The most ive found Is hatching eggs and I don't have an incubator to hatch them so id love chicks or mature birds. Any one know of anywhere to get some?? I'm getting really excited to start my flock!!

Hi and welcome! I would say most people agree on 180-220 eggs/year. I know that's a wide range but we are all still seeing what they can do. I would say in peak of lay I'm getting roughly 5-6 eggs/week from each hen. That does not include molting time or broody time. While they are not known for being broodies, they do go broody occasionally and seem to make good mothers for the most part. They are excellent free rangers in my opinion. That being said, a smaller chicken like a Cream Legbar is going to be more of a target for hawks than a large chicken like a Black Copper Marans or an Oprington. Also chicks that are raised by a hen tend to be better free rangers than chicks that are brooder raised.

The membership listing is a great place to start looking for local places. There are a few of us that are able to ship chicks, too if that interests you. My website is in my signature line.
Very True.

fintuckyfarms what were the symptoms your chickens were showing?

They had clear runny noses and sneezing, no eye involvement or runny stool. They were transported via veh across the state in January when it was very cold out. They responded to antibiotics immediately and have been healthy since. I believe they came straight from the brooder and were not use to the cold.
I prefer to not disclose the breeder in case it was something I did wrong. I wouldn't want to cast a bad light on her business. I did check with my vet and he never cautioned me about getting rid of them or keeping them seperated from my flock after the were symptom free for 6 weeks.
Welcome rd200! My girls average 23 eggs a month during laying season. They took a month off for winter, and did not lay often during bad weather. I can't speak to hawks, but when we had a dog attack I lost Barnevelders and Silkies but no Legbars. One hid inside a kids toy, and others flew to the porch or took to the woods. Like others have posted I would encourage you to check the membership list at or post a general location. Best wishes!
For those of you in South Carolina, I will be in South Carolina from the afternoon of the 12th through Friday 14th afternoon. I will be in the Columbia area northwestward toward Jenkinsville. This is a business trip so I do not know how much extra time I have but if any SC friends would like me to look them up, please send a PM.
Thanks all for the info! I am in Wisconsin. I am just in love w/the color of the eggs and the breed seems like they are very docile and good free rangers which is what im looking for. Are there any other suggestions on breeds that would pair well with these?
I can say, that even though the Creams are nice birds, they're not very nice to extremely docile breeds, like Cochins or Silkies. They do great with my Barred rocks, Silver laced Wyandottes and sex links.

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