Cream Legbars

I am looking for a few Cream Legbars in NC either chicks or fertile hatching eggs. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, welcome to all things Cream Legbar!
@KPenley is in SC…if that is not close enough, she probably has good contacts in your region.
You can also check the Cream Legbar Club website for members in your area.
I got this sweet girl from Papas Poultry in Redding at the end of November..she never developed a crest but she has the best demeanor and check out her very first egg today!! I'm so excited for blue eggs!
Here's our girl..she was on the move..she has a giant comb compared to her sister who is also from Papas. It's weird they look totally different. The other has a crest and teeny comb.
Here's our girl..she was on the move..she has a giant comb compared to her sister who is also from Papas. It's weird they look totally different. The other has a crest and teeny comb.
well of course , equal time, you need to post pictures of the other one too- and if they are the same age - she should be ready for her first egg soon as well. -

Congrats on your blue egg--

seems like end of November to now - makes it right around the magic 26th week right?

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