Crochet "Chat"

I made this hat for my 92 yr old dad. Made him a scarf last year. His hair is wispy thin and he refuses to stay inside, so he'd better wear them both this year! This was interesting, the way the stitches are done makes a puffy brim area. Never did one exactly like that before.

At first I made this next one, but the pattern was weird, kept making a larger and larger pancake, LOL. Had to change up the instructions to make it get smaller and it's still large on my own head. Guess this one will go into the storefronts. It did turn out okay, just not for my dad.

I made this hat for my 92 yr old dad. Made him a scarf last year. His hair is wispy thin and he refuses to stay inside, so he'd better wear them both this year! This was interesting, the way the stitches are done makes a puffy brim area. Never did one exactly like that before.

At first I made this next one, but the pattern was weird, kept making a larger and larger pancake, LOL. Had to change up the instructions to make it get smaller and it's still large on my own head. Guess this one will go into the storefronts. It did turn out okay, just not for my dad.

beautiful work and color choices

Here's what I've been working on. I found a really easy newborn sweater pattern that I can right-brain very easily! They take me about 4 hours to complete.
I made this hat for my 92 yr old dad. Made him a scarf last year. His hair is wispy thin and he refuses to stay inside, so he'd better wear them both this year! This was interesting, the way the stitches are done makes a puffy brim area. Never did one exactly like that before.

At first I made this next one, but the pattern was weird, kept making a larger and larger pancake, LOL. Had to change up the instructions to make it get smaller and it's still large on my own head. Guess this one will go into the storefronts. It did turn out okay, just not for my dad.

I love the colors! The hat posted above ^ is very lovely!

I have a lady who brings a project almost every time she brings her daughter to dance class (my daughter is in dance not me LOL). She did an afghan in Tunisian and swears that she will never do one ever again. She last was working on hats that looked like "menions" from that "Despicable me". She also made a really cute hippo. Don't think I am willing to try stuffed animals yet...
Thank you! And welcome to BYC!

This bag I'm making is turning out way larger than it should be. No idea why the top is a bit wider than the bottom, but maybe when I do the last single crochet edge then make handles and attach, it will pull together a teensy bit more. My DH asked if I was making a sleeping bag!

Thank you! And welcome to BYC!

This bag I'm making is turning out way larger than it should be. No idea why the top is a bit wider than the bottom, but maybe when I do the last single crochet edge then make handles and attach, it will pull together a teensy bit more. My DH asked if I was making a sleeping bag!

It is very nice and if it gets to big just call it a tote!
Well, it is a tote, of course; no woman would carry this on her arm as a purse unless she was 7 ft tall and 400 lb, lol. Let's just say it's an EXTRA large market tote, craft tote, whatever tote. I made it because I do like the pattern. Had my eye on it in different forms I'd seen for a couple of months. Thought it was just the thing to use up some of the stiffer Super Savers. Amazing how some of those are scratchy and some are actually quite decent feeling. Most all the ombres are super stiff and unyeilding, but this Pink Camo I used in this bag is one of the softer of those, too. I think the next bag will I make will be a smaller one, maybe smaller than that first bubble tote I made.

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