Crochet "Chat"

You could use a piece of a corrugated plastic political sign. It would be very strong. You can buy blank ones in many colors. Our local sign company gives away misprints for free. Or you can get free ones after the elections.

Oh, my, I have some of those I use around the coops I use for various things. You're right, and they'd be machine washable as well. Good idea about the sign company! Maybe I can ask about misprints there.
Thanks! I keep trying new things. I dread the day when I fail miserably and frog something big and the yarn is too damaged to use. I did that on a small item, a hair band. Used that Red Heart Boutique Unforgettable yarn. I made a pretty cowl collar with it, but this time, on the headband, I had to pull it out and it doesn't undo. You can't pull out mistakes on this stuff, it just tears! I'll never buy that stuff again. I hate it. It's multiple thicknesses and very delicate, being a roving type and not a ply type. Blech, no more. Pretty colors lured me in, but nope, not doing that again. You can keep it.
It's horrible, Bleenie. The colors are GORGEOUS, but I hated working with it. And you cannot pull it out if you mess up, it knots up/catches badly.

I made this with it, but I didn't make any mistakes I had to frog. I didn't like it then, and after trying to make that headband, I really hate it. And it's expensive, IMO, for so much trouble. I couldn't believe that some of it just tore apart like tissue paper, so that is the type of flaw you'll find in this yarn, not just a pesky knot. Never had other acrylic yarn just disintegrate.

That's very pretty though, how does it wash?

The instructions on this yarn are to hand wash and lay flat to dry, if I recall. So, it needs more special handling than other acrylics. I have not washed it because that collar is for sale on our site.

ETA: Finished this cowl in Red Heart With Love, which is nice to work with. Aubergine, Pewter and Lettuce

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So here is something only a crazy poultry person would make. Very easy, used Red Heart Super Saver. My son and grandson are the models.
Duck hats!

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