Crochet "Chat"

Skand, that is terrible. If I had the land and the room, I'd move you all here to Kentucky and Her Majesty as well. Why is she being such a hardnose about things? Hopefully things will work out for everybody.

You guys are in my prayers!
Thanks for everything. Unfortunately, we're stuck in a no win situation. We dont even have $10 to pay for a lawyer. Cant even afford to get gas to go downtown to talk to legal aid. And yet, I have to act like nothing is wrong (the girls have been through this before, so they are super emotional)
I PROMISED my girls that NOONE was going to take this house from them again!
Because she is a mean rotten terrible person that pretends she likes you so she can find whatever your problem is, and exploit it! SHe married into money, has been given everything she has ever raised her eyebrow at, and refuses to let me, a step sister get anything! Her dad owns this property, he has Parkinson's, so she took it as she has her dad's interests at heart. Well, she doesnt have a heart. He told me AND HER! and the rest of his kids, this property is MINE, for me and the girls. They are his grandkids, and this is for them. She doesnt want favortisim. Not my fault her kids dont have anything to do with thier granddad. But yet, my kids suffer for her stupidity!
Anyone know what I can do with a gerbil, a 2 ft, 15 lb moniter lizard, a black emporer scorpian, oh and all my birds?
If she would just wait a month, maybe 2, we can afford to pay her. SHe doesnt get that sometimes, when starting a business, it takes at least 2 years before it starts paying off!
Last edited: Pic no More Rooster Booster $5.90
Hey gang, just read a post from OEGBMan(Jordan) Jenn just texted him to say that Sam has taken a turn for the worse and is in ICU and they took him to surgery due to internal bleeding, Please help storm heaven for them.
Skand: I can relate to you. My inlaws have all inherited money....which they blow like crazy. And they don't understand why we live on a budget. I have a nice place and all but it takes a lot of hard work for many years. Just like you. Best of luck and hopefully she can get a bit of a heart.
If we fight her, and win, then Charles' other three kids are going to take up where she left, and she'll back them money-wise. She is never happy with what she gets, even if it's what she wants.
I'm not going to play her game. I have too many morals, and am trying to teach my kids to do what's right, even if it feels like we're turning and fleeing the fight. If I was to give in, I'll just be helping her ego. That, and right now, if I face her, in a court, or anywhere 'legal' I'd end up on death row, and I can guarantee it, and that scares me, that I feel that strongly about what I would do.

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