Crochet "Chat"

Wow Jen, that's awesome. I hope next year my kitchen looks like that.

Algo - Sorry to hear about the chicks. Hope the roo turns out good.

We went to look at houses yesterday. Looked at 7 and only 2 stood out but both have bids on them. They were up around middle TN. I think I'm going to look around Tulsa, OK. We have been there and we both really liked it.
Jen, very impressive, My garden didn't do to well this year, gave most of what did grow away to my neighbors. Or fed it to the chickens. Guess when I start to clean it up this fall I'll totally redesign it.

By the way did I hear a little birdie mention something about some sort of gift basket filled with some of the surplus?
Algo: so sorry.

It's been raining here for 2 days. All summer it just rains and rains.
I can't even get into my garden.
I had my muck boots on the other day and got stuck and had to crawl my way out. Kids and hubby thought it was funny.

I have some bragging to do.
My daughter got accepted in the TAG (Talented and Gifted) program this year. I'm so proud of her. She scored a 97 percent on her State Testing. I'm so happy because she is so young for her grade. She was born on Sept. 15 and the cut off day to attend school is that day. So she just made it. She was 4 when she started Kindergarten. Just a little bragging from a proud momma.

CJ Exotics on BYC here was so generous to send me 7 silkie eggs so Mabel (my one silkie) is going to have babies.
I can't wait. My neighbors have an old playhouse that is just sitting and I asked if they wanted to sell it and they said yes. It's going to be my silkie coop. I can't wait!

BTW: Where is Karan? I'm giving that woman a call today! She's disappeared. She better make some room in that greenhouse because I have tons of geraniums for her to propagate this fall.
lovemychix -
I had my muck boots on the other day and got stuck and had to crawl my way out. Kids and hubby thought it was funny.

Ok now thats funny

My neighbors have an old playhouse that is just sitting and I asked if they wanted to sell it and they said yes. It's going to be my silkie coop. I can't wait!

and thats nice
I already want some more coops, lol​
I wll post pics when I get it. It's just like a little house. He's a very handy guy. It has windows and a real door and everything. He hasn't given me a price but we are good neighbors so I'm sure it won't be much.
Lovemychicks I had no idea it rained that much where you are. We normally get just enough but never that much and in Aug. we have a mini drought till Sep. and Oct. rains set in. Sorry to laugh but the mental picture of you having to actually crawl out of your garden is just too funny!

Thats cool about your daughter! I would want too brag if I was in your place.
I never thought about using old play houses as a coop. Good idea.

I was wondering about Karen too.
Where are you Karen?
I wish some of that rain came our way. We could really use it....what desert can't? It hasn't rained here since sometime in May.
WAy more rain than usual here.

I just had a new banty chick.
I am going to have to get that banty house done.
Actually we are going to have to sell some chickens before winter. My hubby is starting to get concerned with the number of birds I have now.

He doesn't know about the playhouse and silkies coming.
He really doesn't care he is seeing how happy I am now.
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