Crochet "Chat"

hi guys! so I found a couple of patterns with cables, but the website requires registration, so I don't know if you guys want the link. let me know if you want me to post them. I also started making a sweater, which is exciting because I've never made actual clothes. I'm making a baby sweater so that it doesn't take as long. but my one problem is that I used super cheap yarn thats sort of scratchy because I assumed my first try wouldn't be very good, but it is turning out better than I expected. so now I have a relatively good sweater that is too scratchy for me to actually subject an actual baby to it
oh well. (note to self: don't use scratchy yarn.)

on a totally unrelated note, would it be considered sacrilege if I also joined in on a knitting thread?

oh, and did I mention that a couple of weeks ago I decided i wanted to try doing afghan stitch and went in search of an afghan hook. and did not find one. and then today I helped my little sister buy her friend a birthday present and we got her a "teach yourself to crochet" kit and it had an afghan hook in it. so basically the only way I can get one is to buy a kit full of things I already have. but on the plus side, she'd probably let me borrow it if I asked. and we also got her yarn and knitting needles in case she wanted to try that too. (sacrilege
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I knit and sew too!!
Heres a link for lots of neat stitches. Heres a tip from someone who uses lots of cheap yarn. Wash your finished project with lots of fabric softener and dry with 2 or 3 dryer sheets. They come out nice and soft. I found all my afghan hooks at walmart with the knitting needles. I've had a hard time with the afghan stitch with it rolling. Id like to try and make a wall hanging with it and cross stitch on it but the rolling. Im working on a afghan for the hubby in a ripple stitch and knitting the body of a baby blanket. Im going to crochet the trim on that one.

Does anyone have any tips for the rolling on the afghan stitch?

Edited to add id like that link.
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I hope you understood what I wrote. It's not my typing because It only does it on here. Regular e-mails work fine. I said "if the tension is too tight then it will roll. If it's not that then pressing it when finished might take carof it." This time I checked spelling before sending.
I got a question yall...

I've started a ripple and its looking good. I want to make a smaller one for a babyghan and I dont know how... math just hurts my brain.
Heres the pattern I'm using...

chain 168 ch. to begin (42 inches wide) Work in ripple patt as follows:

Row 1: (foundation row): Dc in 4th from hook and in next 7 chs, *work )dc, ch 1, dc) in next ch (for point); dc in next 9 chs, sk next 2 chs, dc in next 9 chs; rep from * across to last 10 chs, work (dc, ch1, dc) in next ch (for last point), dc in remaining 9 chs. Ch 2 turn
Hey Jen...I don't like crochet math are my lazy woman suggestions

Look at the afghan you're making, decide how much smaller you'd like the babyghan, count how many stitches that is & subtract those from the total.

Or, use thinner yarn & a smaller hook.

Or, just don't make it as long so that the width is now the length.

Or, go to one of the yarn sites & find a babyghan ripple pattern.

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