Crochet "Chat"

I have some crochet books dating back to the late 40's early 50's. Can you imagine paying 10 cents for a pattern book. The directions are written the same as the present ones. I often use the patters. I also have some knitting books that were my mothers and they date back to the 40's.
Here is the sacque from the same pattern book.

Wow! I love those! Vintage patterns are so pretty.

And here I am stressing out over a little dog dress pattern. Ugh patterns are hard!
Wow! I love those! Vintage patterns are so pretty.

And here I am stressing out over a little dog dress pattern. Ugh patterns are hard!

Don't stress too hard. I don't find all patterns easy. Some just don't work. I want to see your projaect when you are done.
One of my girls brought a picture of a little jacket that looks like that. Is it really hard? She wants to make something for her little sister (10 months).

BTW,,, someday I will crochet nearly as good you do,,,,, for now I just have to admire your work!
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One of my girls brought a picture of a little jacket that looks like that. Is it really hard? She wants to make something for her little sister (10 months).

BTW,,, someday I will crochet nearly as good you do,,,,, for now I just have to admire your work!

No it is not hard. If she can double crochet she can make this.
Ok here's the dog dress.... I finally got through it!! My first pattern without a video to help. After I get the dog washed I'll put her in it and post another pic... but for now here's the dress only.

Everybodys projects are turning out so nice! I really need to finsih my DH's blanket. I want to be done but he wants it longer. I'm having trouble with my DD's ( wow thats werid its the frist time i've typed that. Shes not here yet but oh well) blanket. I was knitting it with homespun yarn from lionheart but im just not happy. Does anybody have any good patterns for that yarn? Also my DH surpised me with the round loom set of knifty knitters. Im gonna try and find some patterns for them. I love that man!
Hi Ninny!

How are you? It looks like your due date is getting closer.

You making a blanket for your DD made me have a flash back of when I was pregnant with my DD who is now 16 yrs old.

I started crocheting her a blanket of the pastel multi colored yarn, b/c when I started it I didn't know what sex she was or what the Nursery theme would be. I was doing a pattern that my MIL showed me (hands on teaching). My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was about 7, but I never made anything significant, but always wanted to. I had just played around w/ it when I was younger.

Anyway...I think it might be one of those designs called a mile a minute. It's a design that her mother taught her and my DH has an afghan the same pattern that his grandmother made (MIL's mother). Well, I set it down and didn't get finished before she was born. Hmmm, what a surprise. I seem to do that with most projects. I never got it finished for her arrival. I finally picked it up and finished it when she was about 2 yrs old. I just added more strips to make it longer. She loves it and uses it to this day. I really need to make her a more teenaged type afghan now that maybe she can take to college. LOL!!!!

I have a pattern book by Lion Brand Homespun Yarn, but it's for crocheting afghans and not knitting. Check out their website., b/c they may have some patterns on there.

Anyway, your story brought me down memory lane and thought I'd share. BTW, sweet hubby.

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