Crochet "Chat"

Ok, what do you guys think of this idea we talked about in class today.. Thanks to SunnyDawn we have yarn for our break! One of the girls was looking through the crochet thread and saw the towel toppers and got the idea of making a towel for the parents who have supported us so well and those who have made donations to us. In order to raise the money to buy the towels and a couple of colors of regular yarn we thought about putting one of our small baby blankets up for auction. We have a couple of them that were made with yarn we purchased ourselves so it wouldn't be using donated materials, they aren't perfect, they are student made, but they are pretty! Do you think this would be a good idea? I'm so paranoid now about things like this I like to ask opinions!
h\\Have we created a monster here? So glad your class enjoys crocheting. It's good to hear about the good things children do today and not the bad things. I like the auction idea.
LOL yes you have! They just thought those were the neatest looking things and sat down to try it! My principal it's the only class she knows she can walk into and it will be calm and quiet! If they don't behave when they have some free time when others are finishing up they have to put away their yarn,, they'd rather walk on hot coals than give up their hooks!
Ok,, we have one that is 18 x 29, one that is approx 20 x 29, those both used one of those big balls of yarn each, one is a shell stitch the other a regular double stitch, I know they aren't too big, but they are the nice baby yarn. We have one that took 4 skeins of regular yarn, it's pink and white and done with a double strand so it's bigger and really pretty. The pink/white is in the front middle in the picture, the blue one behind it is the 20x29, the other is a lavender I'll try and get a pic of. The yellow one could be included, but it's long narrow one that might be more of a shoulder blanket to put over the baby and then over your shoulder... hard to explain! Which one or tow do you think would be a good idea and I'll get better pics and try and figure out the auction format. I don't want to use Ebay,,, I'd rather do it here first and if we don't have luck I'll try Ebay. Should I leave the price open? I really wouldn't know what to start at! In the second one you can see the pink and white one and the yellow one.

Where is the shell stitch? I think that gives a unique look to blankets and people might like that. I also like the blue and the pink though. Maybe add a border? It would really make them stand out.
I have to get a pic of the one with shell stitch, at least I think that is what you call it,, it's a single, double, double, in the same stitch,,, it's really pretty lol. Everyone is deciding which project to do on their two weeks off. I already know I'm not going to get any peace and quiet for two weeks,,, that's a dream,,,
Writerofwords, Your students are so lucky to have someone like you to teach them there are other things in life besides wreaking havoc on the community. Are they going to donate anything to a local shelter or hospital? My husband was like you. He taught his students how to make kites using their math skills and they'd build model rockets and fly them. The local fire dept. would stand by for safety but they would encourage the students and teach them safety rules to go by. He dressed in a costume like Christopher Columbus wore so they could see how they dressed in that time and he'd take my butter churn and candle maker and butter molds (antiques mind you) in for them to see first hand how it was before electricity. You do yourself proud by doing what you're doing and having fun in the bargain. You sound like my daughter though....can't wait until spring break.
Yes Baustin, the majority of our work has been and is being donated to shelters, hospitals, and other charities. That is why we are going through supplies so fast! The kids just love doing this and I don't want them to run out of yarn and hooks and such, it means so much to them. They are finally able to give back in some way and it is the only means some of them have of doing anything for their community.

Your hubby sounds like my kind of teacher!!
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Very slow.. but I'm getting it. My hands fall a sleep. I do a little than walk away. I don't no if I can ever make anything but I will keep trying.
Thanks for asking!! That made me feel good...

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