Crochet "Chat"

I've been busy around here with chickies, baking, working on projects in the yard... everythings posted on my blogs, links below if ya ever wanna check em out. I'm still working on my cousins ripple babyghan, ran out of one yarn and cant find the right color to match up so I'm finishing with just 2 colors instead of 3, havent been able to crochet as much lately....
Good morning all.

I have been under the weather for a month or two. But I did want to report that we just sent 50+ baby hats to our area hospital. And this is what I have on my hooks:

Baby blanket for Mandy in really ugly bright orange but that is what the mother requested.

A waffle afghan that is going to be 8' tall when I finish for my 6' 13yr old. It will take me a year to do

A cranberry afghan is hibernating.

A ripple baby afghan for a girl gift. I always try to have a boy and girl afghan on hand.


A diagonal baby blanket that is knitted on circular needles for charity.

What's on your hooks?
When you guys make your ripple afghans, do you edge them & if so with what stitches. I've got a babyghan done in a granny ripple that seems like it would benefit from some sort of edging, but the few things I've tried didn't work.
I hang tassels made out of the same colors as the blanket off the pointier ends of most of mine.
I'm working on a thread crochet clutch purse right now. It's going fairly slow since the hook and stitches are so tiny (these old eyes don't see quite as well as they used to).
I think it's so amazing that many of you do work for charities. That is so cool!
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Here are a few of my projects from last week and today.... Hanging dishtowels for Vfem, face cloths (because I wanted to see if I could figure out the pattern), and those commissioned beanies (there are 3 more of those).

insiderart ~ what fun projects!! And they turned out so cute! More impressive, however, is the spotless background with absolutely NO YARN, lol!! My house is sanitary, but a bit cluttered. ok, maybe a lot cluttered. I have too much yarn, I should just admit it right now. "Hello, my name is Red, & I am a yarnaholic. I dye/sell/buy/use/touch yarn every day. I thought I could stop whenever I wanted, but now, well... the first step is to admit I can't stop, right?" :-D
I hear you there! About the old eyes, I mean. I still keep going though as I'm sure you do.

Yep! Just need more light and more time these days for small, detailed work.
Insiderart those beanies are so cute! I made some almost exactly like that except minus the buttons and with a scalloped edge in the contrasting color. They are so cute on too! Great work!
I'm working with thread right now also. I've got a black motif mat 3/4 of the way done...really hard to see your stitches...I need one of those work lights.

So, I'm at the point where I need ergonomic hooks. Before Christmas I discovered some called Etimo by Tulip Co. I got the regular sized set & absolutely loved them & finally, finally was able to get the steel set just a few weeks ago. (Very few distributors in the US) I'm beginning to think I don't need my regular hooks anymore.
I didn't know such a thing existed but have often wished it did! Thanks for the tip! I did a search and found them right away, what a great product! Now I just need to save up for them all.

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