Crochet "Chat"

I'm one of those who often does marathons...hubby says I'm going to crochet my arm off & before I got ergonomic hooks, I often felt like I was. For me, it was find a better hook or live in pain cuz I wasn't about to quit (at least not in the winter). I tried the interchangeable sets & while I was happy with them for awhile, I found I was constantly tightening the connection so often it got quite aggravating.
So here are my latest has been on strike, not the hooks

With my new steel hooks

Started as a gift, but spent way too long on it to give away. You'd think I'd learn not to do projects like this as I HATE HATE tucking threads

This is what they'll get instead...a post stitch study

And lastly, a lapghan done in cotton
Kgee ~ I just LOVE the octagon granny!!!! The colors are phenominal!! I have done many afghans, but for some reason, I can never quite justify buying all the yarn colors at once, (mainly because I have a ginormous ~Stash~ and my husband growls & the kids groan every time I even get NEAR yarn, and then I am stuck trying to make whatever colors I DO have on hand work, which never quite satisfy me, so then I go out and get MORE yarn, and ..... and... well... can you say "Yarnaholic" issues.)
so I never end up with the awesomeness like you and baustin with those gorgeous granny's.
ps ~your thread work is also very nice, and the post stitch looks just cozy & lovely!
I know what you mean about a stash. I have a big tote beside my chair with all the yarn on end in it so I can see what I have. I run out of a certain color and I go buy more. When the skeins gets small enough to roll in a ball I have another tote for them. My DH is always asking me when I'm going to use up all the yarn. I get a lot of yarn at yard sales. It's surprising how many people have left over yarn that they'll not use up in another project. A long time ago I bought balls of yarn at a yard sale and I've used those balls many times in my afghans. I finally got down to the last of this one ball and found a $5 bill folded up inside. I've always wondered what the story was behind it.
Thanks guys.

The ergonomic hooks really make a difference if you're prone to repetitive motion pains. I was having alot of trouble with my hooking elbow...was going to ask the doctor for a shot, but figured she'd just tell me to quit hooking.

As for stash...I too am addicted to yarn...and if it's on sale, forget about walking away. Of course whenever I find a project I want to do, I never seem to have the right amounts, so back to the store I go. I've started keeping a stash score to try & keep it a little under control. Every skein of yarn is worth 2 points. Get a skein, add 2, use a skein, subtract 2, use 1/2, subtract 1. For 2010, I'm at +39...since October, I'm at +107, but you're supposed to start over the first of the year so that doesn't count

As for comments from the hubby...he has enough of his own hobbies & he knows better. We both practice "don't ask, don't tell", plus it's called a stash for a reason.
I'm working on a new afghan but this one is done in squares. It has a flower in the center then the granny stitches around it. I'm trimming it in navy blue instead of the burgundy. I'll post a picture when I'm through. I'm making it for my daughter in law. I found some bedspread cotton in pale blue I didn't know I had. Since my bedroom is done in blue I think I'll make a dresser set or a runner. I'll give it some thought before I start on it.
Bare bottom ~ that rough yardage can easily be gotten by simply buying a few of those scrunchy shower body scrubbers at the dollar store, and just undoing the center knots. There is enough in each to make several scrubbies, (depending on the pattern , I guess), in fact, the dollar store often has things like that. Today I just found Caron Simply Soft in 8 different colors there. Only 2.8 oz skeins, but for a buck ~ not bad.

As for comments from the hubby...he has enough of his own hobbies & he knows better. We both practice "don't ask, don't tell", plus it's called a stash for a reason.

Kgee ~ I love this!!!I need to adopt a similar agenda. But I don't DARE do a point system ~ heavens, I have whole CONES of yarn, let alone skeins. In fact, unfortunately, I have what I call a ~craft~ room, my hubby calls it a ~crap~ room, and there is literally a mountian of yarn ( & fabric, and beads, and stamps.... ugh..) in there. But, to defend myself, I DID come upon a fantastically awesome deal on eBay that I simply could NOT pass up ~ 5 boxes ( each weighed about 65 lbs!!) of undyed coned or hanked cottons, silks, linens, rayons, wools, and bamboo, or blends of any of the above ~ all for $400 ( that included the shipping!!)!!! And the saddest part was, if I could have afforded it, I could have gotten another 5 boxes! But there was no way, no, not even on a cold day in hell , that I could justify spending $800 on yarn!! ;-D Well, certainly not in one shot, anyway!!​

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