Crochet "Chat"

Bleenie: I love all your little creatures. And the lobster is awesome.

MajesticLane: ravelry is one of my favorites. My name over there is suzers9.

It's great to see what everyone is working on.
I'm signed up but I haven't done anything on it. My name over there is Desert-Betty. Guess I need to do more than just browse.
I can't find you. I typed in algopurple in a people search...nothing. Typed in Tennessee and you didn't come up.

Is there more than one Ralvery group? I have been on there checking out stuff. Shows me logged in as algopurple.
Bleenie.. i'll buy some of those kitty toys off of ya! I have 7 cats that would love to play with them..

Name a price!

And why dont the shelters want crochet ones?
They said the cats would just tear crocheted stuff up too fast. I went down to the beach this last weekend to clam dig and before we left I looked up a shelter ( near where we stayed and I donated a large flat rate box full of them... they were totally tickled with them, they were selling handmade goods at the convention center that weekend and they were going to take them in too, along with a couple crocheted kitty beds i made too. It felt great to help a smaller shelter that's out in a less populated area... most around here get a lot of donations when they ask or need them.

I will PM you about buying some toys

Bleenie.. i'll buy some of those kitty toys off of ya! I have 7 cats that would love to play with them..

Name a price!

And why dont the shelters want crochet ones?
Hi there, I'm relatively new to crochet, and have joined ravely too. My user name is cindycoomber. The only group ive joined there so far is the We love Lucy (of Attic24). I love her style, and so far i am attempting her Granny stripe and her crochet cushions.

I am hoping to do a Ta-dah post on my blog late tonight of my first finished crochet cushion. I just have to sew on the buttons!

You will be seeing a lot more of me here as i continue my crochet journey! Hi to everyone here!

Cindy xx
Finished the donut I wanted to learn how to make
It's probably a good size for a dog/puppy to play with... or my niece to try to eat
I think I will try to scale it down and see if i can make some smaller ones for cat toys, this one is about 5 inches wide(the pattern said it would only be like 3"!).

Here is an unfinished pic. of my upcoming babies blanket with big brother sitting on it showing me "his" crochet needle.


It is finished now, just not taken the time to get any new pictures of it.

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