Crooked Neck Chicken


6 Years
Sep 29, 2013
I have a game hen mix that has crooked neck. All my other chickens seem fine. ( I have 28). I am careful with what they eat. I not sure what to do. I am feeding her ply-visoll with vitamin E. I didn't have selenium but I had chia seeds until I can get some today. I was able to get her to eat yesterday to keep her strength up and to keep her from dehydrating. She ate with some help. This morning I couldn't get her to eat much. I had to use a dropper. I don't want her to suffer. Is there anything else I should be doing? How long before I will see a change in her behavior? Is this an absolute cure?

Please let me know.

I can't believe I haven't heard from anyone about this.

She ate really good tonight, on her own with a little bowl guidance. She coos when I go to her. I rub the top of her head and that seems to calm her. When she gets stressed I notice her neck crooks more.

I'll just keep doing the vitamin regimine. I just hope it's helping and not prolonging it if she is suffering.
Wry neck is one of those unpredictable problems--it may take a day or two or weeks, and dome don't recover. It is a neurological symptom of an injury to the head or neck, from a vitamin deficiency, from heredity, or from an illness such as Mareks or some bad respiratory diseases. Eggs have selenium in them, and some of the vitamins like Poultry Cell by Rooster Booster, and Poultry Nutridrench. Some use prednisone, but it has to come from a vet since it requires an RX. Treatment is basically what you are doing--keep her calm, reduce noise or stimulation, help her to eat and drink, and give vitamin B1 thiamine, vitamin E, and selenium. Here are 2 good links (the 1st has dosages):
Thank you. I will look at the links. I have read a lot about but most info is old. Wasn't sure if any had chsnged.

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