Crooked toe

Today I noticed a majorly crooked toe on one of my girls.

I picked her up and examined the toe. It doesn’t seem to hurt or impede her walking.

I was able to find an old thread that suggested Vitamin B-12 and I was able to get some from Tractor Supply.

I did mix some with their water, but gave the one with the toe some by beak.

Has anyone used vitamins to help with crooked toes? How long does it take to start seeing improvement?

I hope she will be ok and that I caught it quick enough to help Her before it affects her mobility. View attachment 2245542View attachment 2245543
Hi there! I have the same thing happening to one of my chicks. What is tge outcome of yours? Did the vitamins help? Thanks,
Hi there! I have the same thing happening to one of my chicks. What is tge outcome of yours? Did the vitamins help? Thanks,

No, it just has never bothered her, so I just stopped worrying about it.

She actually ended up being my first layer in my flock.

She laid her first egg on Thursday and another yesterday!

Guess Baby won’t let a crooked toe get in her way.
So interesting cause I have a 3 month old Barred Rock who this same thing seems to have happened to!

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