Cross Continental Friends!!!

We should be Naming duck 3, which is going to be white on one end and dark on the other Black and Tan like the beer thingie... Is it a cocktail or just one of those mixed (yet NOT mixed) drinks?
Oh, guys, Miss Hugo is a truly fierce mama duck. She hatched her babies in the bunny barn and that is where I feed the cats. I opened the door to go in yesterday afternoon and received an angry honk in reply. The cats were cowering on high places looking stunned. One of Miss Hugo's babies had gotten out through a drain and I was reuniting mother and baby and she came charging over and started pinching my arms. I dropped the baby and tried to back up but, honking wildly, Hugo grabbed my sock and started beating me with her wings. I started hollering and trying to grab Hugo but she was moving like a snake and still had a death grip on my sock. I finally would up in a corner trying to get the door open and flailing my foot that Hugo was attached to and still hollering. Once I got the door open I managed to shake her off and zip through. At this point I took a small break, had a cold beer, and thought that babies had rather changed Hugo. The cats started yowling for help so I braced myself to go back in and had a distractionary broom at the ready. For some reason Garfield decided not to wait on his high surface and made a run for the door. Hugo grabbed him in the belly just in front of his hip. Picture a very fat hairy orange cat tearing through the barn with a quacking, flapping barnacle in his side and me yelling and scurrying along with my broom. Garfield managed to shake her loose when he dove between the brooder and the wall. The other cars, wisely, stayed put.
I managed to ease my way around the pen to the feed can and threw a scoop of feed in a dog dish, distracting Hugo enough that I got the cats out and was able to feed the rabbits with only a few minor honks and hisses.
Ah, can't wait to see what happens today!

We should be Naming duck 3, which is going to be white on one end and dark on the other Black and Tan like the beer thingie... Is it a cocktail or just one of those mixed (yet NOT mixed) drinks?
Oh, guys, Miss Hugo is a truly fierce mama duck. She hatched her babies in the bunny barn and that is where I feed the cats. I opened the door to go in yesterday afternoon and received an angry honk in reply. The cats were cowering on high places looking stunned. One of Miss Hugo's babies had gotten out through a drain and I was reuniting mother and baby and she came charging over and started pinching my arms. I dropped the baby and tried to back up but, honking wildly, Hugo grabbed my sock and started beating me with her wings. I started hollering and trying to grab Hugo but she was moving like a snake and still had a death grip on my sock. I finally would up in a corner trying to get the door open and flailing my foot that Hugo was attached to and still hollering. Once I got the door open I managed to shake her off and zip through. At this point I took a small break, had a cold beer, and thought that babies had rather changed Hugo. The cats started yowling for help so I braced myself to go back in and had a distractionary broom at the ready. For some reason Garfield decided not to wait on his high surface and made a run for the door. Hugo grabbed him in the belly just in front of his hip. Picture a very fat hairy orange cat tearing through the barn with a quacking, flapping barnacle in his side and me yelling and scurrying along with my broom. Garfield managed to shake her loose when he dove between the brooder and the wall. The other cars, wisely, stayed put.
I managed to ease my way around the pen to the feed can and threw a scoop of feed in a dog dish, distracting Hugo enough that I got the cats out and was able to feed the rabbits with only a few minor honks and hisses.
Ah, can't wait to see what happens today!

Oh wow! Now that's a story! Bet those cats feel mighty ashamed! Got beat up by a bird. Note self-momma ducks are fierce, fierce, fierce! Lol ! Thanks for the very informative update!
got some of this duckies runner blood?

also the Cayuga male is beautiful

all these blood crosses give them strength, the raise bigger and faster

the last one looks like a mulard

I also got one Randy on the stable, a typical italian male

Think this was for me bill? The ducklings are runners. Yeah randy is lovely in the sum his wings look purple. What's a mulard?

We should be Naming duck 3, which is going to be white on one end and dark on the other Black and Tan like the beer thingie... Is it a cocktail or just one of those mixed (yet NOT mixed) drinks?
Oh, guys, Miss Hugo is a truly fierce mama duck. She hatched her babies in the bunny barn and that is where I feed the cats. I opened the door to go in yesterday afternoon and received an angry honk in reply. The cats were cowering on high places looking stunned. One of Miss Hugo's babies had gotten out through a drain and I was reuniting mother and baby and she came charging over and started pinching my arms. I dropped the baby and tried to back up but, honking wildly, Hugo grabbed my sock and started beating me with her wings. I started hollering and trying to grab Hugo but she was moving like a snake and still had a death grip on my sock. I finally would up in a corner trying to get the door open and flailing my foot that Hugo was attached to and still hollering. Once I got the door open I managed to shake her off and zip through. At this point I took a small break, had a cold beer, and thought that babies had rather changed Hugo. The cats started yowling for help so I braced myself to go back in and had a distractionary broom at the ready. For some reason Garfield decided not to wait on his high surface and made a run for the door. Hugo grabbed him in the belly just in front of his hip. Picture a very fat hairy orange cat tearing through the barn with a quacking, flapping barnacle in his side and me yelling and scurrying along with my broom. Garfield managed to shake her loose when he dove between the brooder and the wall. The other cars, wisely, stayed put.
I managed to ease my way around the pen to the feed can and threw a scoop of feed in a dog dish, distracting Hugo enough that I got the cats out and was able to feed the rabbits with only a few minor honks and hisses.
Ah, can't wait to see what happens today!


Not sure if I was supposed to find this hilarious or not but I did, no offence meant! Nasty mummy duck! Hope she chills out soon, otherwise threaten her with an orange marinade! On a more serious note, really sorry about your turkies :(

Awww, look dey lub each oder!! (that's cute talk for Awww, look they love each other!)  Can't get any cuter than than that!

That they do, it's how ozzy and sookie used to be all the time even when they grew up. The ginger one is such a little thug though and is being a pain about using the litter tray. Grr.

I've got just one turkey, a female who regularly brood, better than an incubator, she was a Christmas present as just hatched, she used to follow me everywhere

I just know american races are bigger than italian, but, I'm not sure if a 15 kg turkey brood too, I hope she don't smash the eggs, I've got some problems with 4 kg hens!

it's really sad to loose our friendly animals, I've got big respect for mommies and always trying to protect and facilitate them, if they're not crazy

one of the yesterday's brood quit her job, I know she's crazy and haven't swap her eggs yet, two O-Shamo got their eggs swapped tonight, a 5 kg Transilvania (Cicciottona) let me think a lot, I'm afraid of doing a big frittata, maybe, I can give her some duck's eggs, the last one, it's in the special needs program

we call mulard a cross between duck and goose, sterile and fast growing animals
A mulard, neat i never heard of those! I just thought you mis-spelled mallard. Silly me! So then I guess you eat them, right? Do they taste good?

It is sad to loose our animals, a few years ago I lost my entire warren and my one and only duck at the time to two dogs that didn't even eat them, I would not have been as mad if they were hungry, but it was a joy kill.

All my broody dreams are out the window this season, got a bad, bad case of egg eating going on, Advice anyone? And of course the chickens have a taste for the duck eggs as they raided my duck eggs first. The problem is I think they are all doing it, even the roosters, so separating the culprits is not going to help this time.
Egg eating=lie in wait, find the culprit, cull! They will teach that skill to others!
I just took off my socks so I can go check on Hugo and the Hugoettes. Hubby out of town, La Niña Linda on an art creating spree, might as well go shed some blood...


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