Cross Continental Friends!!!

No poor ducky went to buy some chicks there were dead ones w/ the ones for sale. She brought some home and they died, 2 xs if I remember right. So I told her she should go in to complain, If it was a store luck walmart we could make tons of complaints. But it's a store I don't know of. So she should go in w/ her receipt and make a complaint! Dead birds w/ the regular chicks. That's unsafe and insane!
HELLO EVERYONE! I've missed you, I just looked and saw that I haven't been here since June.....and that y'all have racked up 1311 posts for me to catch up on!!! I'm looking forward to that, but it won't happen tonight. I hope you are all doing well, and I look forward to getting to know the new people, too.

I just finished getting the horses all cleaned up and packing the truck.....trail riding tomorrow in the Uwharrie National Forest. Looking forward to getting away with my husband and my horse :)
HIII!!! SO glad to hear from you! I am glad to hear that you are well! Uwharrie National Forest!! Wow! How beautiful! So you've been good? I hope so.
megan, nancy, and beth, 5 birds have died and one has survived. today the 5th one had died this afternoon but luckily i removed it before he died because i was doing my best to save the last chick from dieing or getting sick. he looked to be healthy so i had bought 6 more today and these ones were in a cage without any dead or sick looking chicks. it seems that today was delivery day for a new order of chicks so most of the cages were with out any dead chicks. though one of the cages looked to have some dead ones but the NN's had none that i was able to see. the ones i got today are prettier looking than the other ones i had bought. we told one of the workers that we bought some chicks and they died from them and the guy acted as if he had no idea what we were talking about pfft!
that these dont die as well!
Hey tarheelbirdy! So glad to see you stranger! Glad you ate ok. Enjoy your trip, catch up with us soon!

Ohhhhh, so sorry to hear that faith. That's awful. Hope you are sleeping soundly and have better luck with the new ones. So sad. Hugs x x x
HELLO EVERYONE! I've missed you, I just looked and saw that I haven't been here since June.....and that y'all have racked up 1311 posts for me to catch up on!!! I'm looking forward to that, but it won't happen tonight. I hope you are all doing well, and I look forward to getting to know the new people, too.
I just finished getting the horses all cleaned up and packing the truck.....trail riding tomorrow in the Uwharrie National Forest. Looking forward to getting away with my husband and my horse :)
Hi Tarheelbirdy! What does that stand for! I'm sorry my memory is bad cuz I don't remember you. But it's my age, old! Hope you have a great trip, I'd love to go w/ you! But I wouldn't want to be an in-between! lol Hay Cowgirl, she's right up your alley! You lucky horse people you! I hate you all! Just hate, hate, hate!

Is anybody out there! Hello!
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Well, GM to you, I'll be popping up & out also! lol I'm trying to waggle the DD into going to Wolfboro to p/u 2 silkies for my sizzle & my Silkie but their sisters and I don't like that. I'm trying to see if the guy has another so I won't have to worry about them crossing the fence! Then on Tues. I want to take a trip to Clarksville 85 miles (100approx.) your way, to pick up my pekin hens and maybe a Muscovy duck and bringing her my 2 pekin's and my male silkie. He also has to go to the hospital for a sleep study Mon. night! So his docket will be full! lol but he loves me
And I love him a whole lot more! No one can measure how much! ;)
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