Cross Continental Friends!!!

:(with Autumn comes winter and that su5ks. Last week, it was in the low 30s at night and now it's been raining for 2 nights and lighting OMG My poor dog! She's so scared its not funny! Now she's coming tomorrow! But at least she called! Rush to the vet. I hope it's not too bad! But you guys must think I'm nuts! Lol oh well take care yal!
right now its 77 outside
Who's coming today nancy? How come your dog is going to the vets? Because she's so scared? No more nuts than the rest of us hehe! Yeah we've had alot of rain with more to come but no lightening thank goodness.
77 F cripes that's 25 C in my language. And you said 30 nancy yeah so thats...(googling) -1!!!! WHat!?!? So you've got frosts already!? That's nuts!

What does everyone think about exchanging christmas cards? Speak now or forever keep your mouth shut! I know it's early but I like to be organised! Same goes for you BIll/Mitch/Joe if your still alive!? We can PM address so its private. Just a thought. I wont be offended if you dont want to.
77 F cripes that's 25 C in my language. And you said 30 nancy yeah so thats...(googling) -1!!!! WHat!?!? So you've got frosts already!? That's nuts!

What does everyone think about exchanging christmas cards? Speak now or forever keep your mouth shut! I know it's early but I like to be organised! Same goes for you BIll/Mitch/Joe if your still alive!? We can PM address so its private. Just a thought. I wont be offended if you dont want to.
I would love too! I already have a friend thru this that's in Australia that I'll be trading cards with! I can't wait to see the stamps! No, my dog should go to the vet she is 11, a boxer, and her back left paw part doesn't touch the floor so she slips on the tile/wood floors. I'm trying to make her a boot so she has some traction. So far she gets them off! She's so good, she'll stop when we tell her but she still doesn't like it, blame her! We wouldn't want a ski boot for a shoe, in comparison that is!
These past 3 days it's been nothing but rain! And the storms that pop up are crazy! My other dog is petrified of the thunder! She's 12 and a Lhasa Apso. And the change in temperature! OMG now we're sweating it's in the 90's! From frost to humid in one night!
Well, I hope that girl comes today at 1. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Blimey you are having crazy weather! Yeah I hope she turns up, just remembered it's for your birdies. Aw poor doggy. I love boxers. Lhasa apso's - they're the ones with long hair and long faces yeah? Yippie about the cards!
Hope you feel better soon Karen. Hot lemon and honey, glug glug. or just drink whisky! Any thoughts on crimbo cards?
im not sure if ican do the cards or not.
I would love too! I already have a friend thru this that's in Australia that I'll be trading cards with! I can't wait to see the stamps! No, my dog should go to the vet she is 11, a boxer, and her back left paw part doesn't touch the floor so she slips on the tile/wood floors. I'm trying to make her a boot so she has some traction. So far she gets them off! She's so good, she'll stop when we tell her but she still doesn't like it, blame her! We wouldn't want a ski boot for a shoe, in comparison that is!
These past 3 days it's been nothing but rain! And the storms that pop up are crazy! My other dog is petrified of the thunder! She's 12 and a Lhasa Apso. And the change in temperature! OMG now we're sweating it's in the 90's! From frost to humid in one night!
Well, I hope that girl comes today at 1. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
aw i use to have a boxer when i was in az. she died three years ago though. it was sad. its been raining this past week here too! it started raining at 11:30 like down pour rain and has only just stopped two hours ago. the river is flooded!
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