Cross Continental Friends!!!

At this stage I can usually pick them out with regards to gender with good reliability starting at a week or maybe 10 days. The rooster I chose to be my new flock sire was 6 months old!! I was standing in the coop looking at them all on the roosts and it struck me all of a sudden. He was a she! Oh, phooey!
How funny is that?

At this stage I can usually pick them out with regards to gender with good reliability starting at a week or maybe 10 days. The rooster I chose to be my new flock sire was 6 months old!! I was standing in the coop looking at them all on the roosts and it struck me all of a sudden. He was a she! Oh, phooey!
How funny is that?

Out of 10 eggs, 7 were roos! Boy I wish I had your Luck3!
Getting off BYC for a good while, was great meeting and knowing all of you, just don't get on much anymore. Bon Voyage my friends! Might see you in few!

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