Cross Continental Friends!!!

Hi, I've been busy with my new family member s! 6 chics and 2 pekin hen!

America don't forget about it: a man with just a knife defending his house is stronger than a foreign soldier in a tank OIL and FREEDOM are two different words, the big chief couldn't use the second meaning the first
I COMPLETELY agree Bill. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Congrats on the job Faith!!

Aww, Nancy your new babies are adorable!! I especially love the glass breed!
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forse voi non lo sapete, oggi, in Italia è la festa della liberazione dal nazi-fascismo oggi ho portato i miei figli dove, 69 anni fa, mio nonno e altri partigiani ingaggiarono un conflitto a fuoco con i tedeschi che stavano rubando animali nelle stalle prima di tornare in Germania, e rendere onore ai nostri fratelli e le nostre sorelle che morirono per fare un'Italia migliore voglio ricordare anche le donne e le ragazze, che furono importantissime, senza di loro, i messaggi e le munizioni non sarebbero mai giunte a destinazione siamo andati a trovare anche una donna di 86 anni, che diede l'allarme, salvando la vita a tante persone, ci ha raccontato tante storie importanti, storie che non voglio dimenticare VIVA L'ITALIA VIVA LA LOTTA PARTIGIANA VIVA LA LIBERTA'
Any folks from the Balkans?(Ima nekoj od Balkanot/El ima neko od Balkanu?)

Hi Kinky! Sorry I havn't gotten back to you sooner but I've been busy with baby Pekin Ducks 3 and 6 new hens! Plus I have 10 that I can see moving arnd when I candle them! OMG it feels so funny feeling a fetus in a tummy and not feel the movment in my belly at all! This is me, I'm the stupid one always hard to understand! Lol
So whats in your crew? I'll have to check you out! ;) Take care and don't forget your Mommie come Mothers Day!:D
Hay Megan, I hope the hurricane's are not knocking at your door, which is what I'm afraid it is close to doing!
Hay Ugly! Kudos on getting the new job! I hope it's not to tiring for you! We're hoping to hear from you soon!
Bill, our State motto is "Let Free or Die" so I totally get what your saying!
Big Hello to anyone else I may have forgotten!
Now it's off to put the crew to bed! Lol :D
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at my job now they want us to clean a room in 20 minutes and not 30 anymore. i guess we can do it, but after like your fourth or fifth room you sort of feel tired and then by the end of your day all ou wanna do is sleep. but hey the good side of it is im getting paid to work out. my butt and legs are so sore lol.

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