Cross Continental Friends!!!

so because i do not know enough spanish to talk to the guy my fiance did and i told him to tell the guy to look at the strip and the guy claimed the strip was fine. so i told my fiance to tell the fridge guy to check the temperature box which he did and he ended up resetting the temperature box and he installed something else but do not remember what. it was also the same guy as the second time and i think he knows he screwed up the first time he came because he said "sometimes we are in a rush" and then told us to call him in a week if the freezer does the same thing again and he would order us a new heater. so hopefully everything will work out.

in questi giorni sto scrivendo poco, sono impegnato con un piccolo ritocco al camion
vorrei rispondere al tuo amico:

- Il mondo è pieno di fini specialisti e profondi conoscitori della vita, li si può trovare a mucchi, seduti al bar.-
Just popping in to brag about our wonderful weather here.. Our duck's have been giving us Xjumbo size egg's..




Rick & Lauren sharing a salad
Some of our bulbs from last year.
& our girl Emily waiting for us to leave so she can enjoy some grilled chicken..

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