Cross Continental Friends!!!

Just popping in to brag about our wonderful weather here.. Our duck's have been giving us Xjumbo size egg's..

Rick & Lauren sharing a salad
Some of our bulbs from last year.
& our girl Emily waiting for us to leave so she can enjoy some grilled chicken..

ohhh those chickens look tasty. i use to grill a lot but then my tiny grill got rusted and fell apart. i miss grilled chicken. lucky you.
i used to live in az too, but now i live in sunny PR.
your ducks look like they are enjoying themselves and your bulbs are beautiful. i have never planted any bulbs before but they look quite easy.
how are ducks eggs if you eat them by themselves.
a taxi? for what? are you going to drive it or sell it?

Credevo avessi capito lo scherzo

Preferisco scherzare piuttosto che pensare che dovrò guidare un camion giallo, dopo tanti anni la mia cabina é arrivata al momento della pensione

Vorrei dare il benvenuto al nuovo utente, quel cane sembra interessato alla cottura della carne
Credevo avessi capito lo scherzo

Preferisco scherzare piuttosto che pensare che dovrò guidare un camion giallo, dopo tanti anni la mia cabina é arrivata al momento della pensione

Vorrei dare il benvenuto al nuovo utente, quel cane sembra interessato alla cottura della carne
haha you should paint flowers on it :)
i fell two days ago from water on the tile floor and i think i sprained or strained my left arm. i can not really lift my shoulder up and my elbow is really bruised and sore. it all feels stiff. i hope it heals fast it is rather annoying not being able to use it.
Quello che ci ho sempre fatto, lavorare insieme ancora per tanti anni

Vorrei riportarti la conversazione che ho avuto con il mio ex boss

Cosa serve riparare un vecchio camion?

Per portare rispetto ad un vecchio amico che mi da il pane

Oramai può darti solo il pane vecchio!

Meglio il pane vecchio sudato che il pane fresco rubato!
Just popping in to brag about our wonderful weather here.. Our duck's have been giving us Xjumbo size egg's.. Rick
ohhh those chickens look tasty. i use to grill a lot but then my tiny grill got rusted and fell apart. i miss grilled chicken. lucky you. i used to live in az too, but now i live in sunny PR. your ducks look like they are enjoying themselves and your bulbs are beautiful. i have never planted any bulbs before but they look quite easy. how are ducks eggs if you eat them by themselves.
They are so much better tasking than chicken egg's.. The French use them in their pastries.. That is the difference & what makes them exquisite tasting.. Do any of you use coddlers?
i fell two days ago from water on the tile floor and i think i sprained or strained my left arm. i can not really lift my shoulder up and my elbow is really bruised and sore. it all feels stiff. i hope it heals fast it is rather annoying not being able to use it.

non sono un dottore, quindi non so bene cosa suggerirti, posso solo raccomandarti di tenere sotto controllo la temperatura e augurarti di guarire presto

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