Crowless Roo?

Nope, he's our lone roo. I'm as glad as can be that he doesn't crow, too, since roos are illegal inside city limits. He was sold to us as a pullet, but huge comb, wattles, saddle feathers and great tailfeathers coming in now that he's molting really cemented it for us.
My ex-roo never crowed till much later than we expected. We were thinking we had a quiet one, too. Once he started, tho, he more than made up for it! I hope yours stays quiet!
Oh, I actually hope he starts crowing any day now. See, we're allowed to have four, so if he goes, we can add two very different pullets to our existing two RIRs. Still, I imagine the girlfriend won't let me eat him. *sigh*
I think one of ours was shy, he didn't crow in front of us for the longest time. We would hear him from the house and think was that the roo? But like everyone else said he made up for it.
On the weekends, I'm here all day, so I'm certain he's not crowing yet. Still, I'll talk to the girl and see if he doesn't turn into soup soon. Plus, this means two new girlies for us!

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